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Summary For: Weekly Question Thread (6/3 to 6/9)

BLUF: Is there a "statute of limitations" for charging someone leave?
Is there a time limit for S1 to file my leave paperwork to get me charged for leave? I took HBL and a few other short instances of leave, but haven't been charged at all so far. I am trying to figure out how many I still have to burn for use/lose this year.
If I don't get charged, I'll hit use/lose and then my unit has to answer for it. If I use too many, then I'll be burning days I don't really need to just to not come to work, when I may want them for something fun.
I'm still not sure if S1 shredded it as a favor, lost it by accident and it ended up shredded, or if is sitting in some folder waiting to hit me when I don't want it to (like after the fiscal year changeover, when I have to fight with DFAS to get the days back since they were used before the FY use/lose cutoff).
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I'm a stupid private that sucks at putting the carbine bar on the qualification badge. What's the best way of doing this?
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Reservist at the end of my first contract. I'm currently an E-4 and am finishing BLC at the end of the summer, with my ETS being early next year and my two years of IRR time beginning. My two options I'm considering is reclassing to a 35 series MOS or just cutting loose and being done with the army. My question is should I reenlist before my ETS date so I can reclass or should I just slip into the IRR and reclass/reenlist from the IRR. I still do not know which choice I'm going to make, but I'd like some advice on which is a safer option that would avoid me getting stuck somewhere without an MOS.

I also don't know if I should avoid a board since I've heard that getting AIT dates for E-5+ is much harder than E-4 and below.
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If I enlist with a bachelors degree what rank pay will I enter as?
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How do I break it to my mom that I want to enlist?
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I'm out of AIT and Ive seen on here previously and have been told that echo 551 at Fort Gordon is the worst company ever. I didn't think it was the worst thing Ive been through but yeah it was kinda bad. Does Echo's reputation precede it everywhere and or has it changed?
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My recruiter missed a deadline to put my packet in for OCS. Anybody else have this happen? I guess I technically didn't submit one so I can try again next month.
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If I go as a 68W, am I qualified as a civilian paramedic after my contract? or am I just a basic civilian EMT?
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I just went to a recruiting office today. I am interested in joining the reserves. I meet all qualifications and even have a bachelor's degree and finished with a 3.5 GPA. I feel like I was getting pushed to be enlisted instead of officer. The benefits of being an officer plus my friend currently enlisted in the Army says it is probably best to try and get in as Officer so I feel like that makes the most sense. Any insight you all could provide or questions you have would greatly help!
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Hey guys. I have a question regarding a pre-RASP training program. I am currently 15, hope to make it into West Point, and then try for the regiment. Any tips?
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Which days do you guys go to the gym? Mon Wed and Fri are the days most people take, and they’re run days for me, but I really don’t feel like doing muscle failures at PT the day after the gym. At the same time, if I do even days, my unit will pull a fuck you and decide to go to the gym for PT.
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I'm interesting in joining the National Guard in the next few years but need to get a waiver for a JFY separation code + 2C reentry code. I was ELS-ed for adjustment disorder from the Air Force, but never sought treatment and was never suicidal.
I spoke to a recruiter and explained my situation and they were willing to work with me, but I need to get a note from a doctor saying that I'm in good mental health and I'm fit for service. This is the issue I've run into. I initially spoke with a mental health team but they were unable to give me a bill of clean health as they only do treatment and medication management, which is exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I'm going to speak to my GP next, but I doubt they will feel comfortable writing that letter.
What are my options for a medical note for this waiver? Do I have to pay a few thousand out of pocket for a mental health evaluation from an independent doctor? I would prefer not to but if it's my only option I will. What exactly are recruiters/MEPS medical staff looking for document-wise for the waiver I need?
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People who are in for long periods of time, how do you prevent the Army from consuming your life?
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I am in the Delayed Entry Program on an 09S contract. Can I cancel this contract and if so, how long would it take?
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Good afternoon folks... I had a question in regards to re-enlisting as prior service while using the gi bill... what happens if you’re in class and you go back in the army? Does that count as you dropping the classes and having to pay back?
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Can you get out of your reenlistment before it starts?
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When I go to a recruiter and I am dead-set on what I want to do (31D CID Special Agent), what are the best on-topic questions to get the most information?
And also (this is a very dumb question) when you go to MEPS and get medically checked is there time between then and when you sign your contract, or is that all done in the same day/weekend?
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Could I take online classes during AIT? I’m planning to take some time off of school to join army NG as a 68W. I’m already somewhat behind on my graduation and so I was wondering if would be stupid to sign up for online classes then. Has anyone had experience with taking online classes during AIT? Thanks!
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Going to talk to recruiter about joining this week, really will only consider if I can get job in medical (not medic). Preferably ultrasound, X-ray, phys therapy etc. I know they’re good at hustling you into other things etc. going with my brother who is pretty high rank and has been in for 10+ year
My question is, does anyone have any experience in these jobs who are willing to share that experience, or if anyone has any suggestions on other medical jobs.
Also to be honest I am willing, but would prefer to not see combat, what are the chances in theses types of positions? Thank you
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So I'm 23 and might end up finishing my contract by the time I'm 27. Haven't finished college and my MOS is 68W.

what kind of jobs will be available for me when I get out of service? So far I have:
-Police Officer
-Park Ranger (Not that great but I love the outdoors)

I'm thinking of going back to college and getting my degree after I get out, but I don't how likely it'll be for me to get hired since I'll be 31 when I graduate.
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Howdy folks, I'm leaving for basic in 2 days and I had a few questions concerning what to bring and if the Army changed their phone policy. My recruiter told me to bring my social security card, my license, and my debit card which I all have but I've been seeing everywhere to bring a paper for my bank info. I asked my recruiter and he said I didnt need it and I'm confused whether I need that document or not, I'm going in as a reserve soldier and I've gone through my in-processing and I'm on the "payroll" for my unit but I dont know if it applies to my situation or not. Also regarding the phone policy at basic, my gf kept telling me that she googled it and apparently recruits can get their phones for a brief period of time on Sunday nights with my father saying the same as well. My recruiter said he doesnt know for certain because he doesnt know details like that, I'll be fine without it but I was curious if this was true or not. Thanks in advance for any and all replies.
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What is a normal/common day in an Afghanistan-deployment as a 68W like? Assuming I'm assigned to a combat/infantry unit
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Hello reddit, I’m a civilian who is currently trying to make tape so to go to MEPS, take asvab, etc. I have done extensive research on this site as well as others, but would like direct opinions about what my options/routes. A little background info:
Age: 26
Wt: 230 lbs (need 197 lbs or 3 in. Off waist)
Criminal History: DUI-2014-21 years old.
Vision: maybe correctable to 20/20, maybe not will find out at MEPS.
AFQT: 79 (walked in off the street no studying) asvab should be in 90’s range after studying a bit.
Employer: I deal cards in a casino in CA. Make pretty good money, have no job satisfaction.
I am currently doing everything I can to make a great decision as to what my MOS will be. When I was younger (19-20) I scored really high on afqt and recruiter wanted to push intel on me. Ended up not enlisting because I thought (why enlist when I can finish school and commission duh), but life doesn’t always pan out how we expect. I have enough units to enter as a PFC, which is nice since I’m older. I always wanted to join the military, and now that I’m getting older I’m trying to make the leap before it’s too late. My main questions are:
What MOS would you recommend for someone in my position? I’ll need waivers for my DUI, and actually can’t do most of the cool MOS because I can’t get a TS clearance and possible vision requirements. Secret maybe, but also maybe not.
I’m very interested in an opt 40 contract, but I have worries I won’t be able to get in the shape I’ll need in BCT or OSUT to hack it, any opinions in regard to this?
My mind is telling me to go support or look at an MOS that translates to civ world, but my hearts wants to go infantry. I am 26 and worried I’ll be too old to be able to do the grunt life. Is this true or am I overthinking it? Also will having high ASVAB scores do anything for me in infantry? Does it make a difference?
Other MOS I think are pretty cool that I QUALIFY for are: 12D, 12M, 19D, 68W, 88K.....these are pretty much what I can qualify for out the gate. Can’t do anything cool such as: 31K, 35series, 37series, 38series. Those would be my top, but I can’t because of DUI.
Basically what are the best options for me based on my pros/cons?
Lastly at 26 possibly 27 would you recommend 3 or 4 year commitment?
P.S. was also planning on trying to go tacp with AF but for some reason the army appeals to me more. Can’t tell you why.
Thank you in advance for you time
P.P.S. Day 1 reddit user, posting is incredibly more difficult than anticipated. Idek if I’m able to post since I’m so new, so if I double post I apologize.
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My husband is considering joining the army reserves and I’ve heard of some really violent things happening during basic training (please hold the machine gun beating jokes) such as hazing and stuff like that. Is this an actual problem?
Not sure why I’m getting down voted for being worried about my husband :(
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I passed my Asvab, and I'm trying to get into 36B Army Active Duty, but we have been trying for weeks now, and such MOS does not ever seem to populate, is that normal?
Apart from bugging my recruiter, is there anything i can do?
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Anyone read more in depth on the new changes for 600-8-19 (beyond the summary of changes on page 1) ?
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Can a SPC pin another SPC his SGT? When I get promoted I want my best friend to pin me and because I’m probably gonna end up getting mine before him just due to points somewhere down the road, I was curious is this was okay, I know to a degree it’s considered bad juju but I’m curious
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Couldn't find a straight answer, would going on accutane make me non-deployable or otherwise affect my deployability?
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I'm switching my contract to active. I'm deciding between 35M option 40, or 11X. I got a 96 on the ASVAB, and I'm a recent college graduate.
I hated college mainly because everyone there was so depressed and anxious all the time, had 0 adventure in them unless it meant sitting, drinking in the dorms. I also hated being chained to a desk desk for up to 48 hours some semesters. I hated the ineffectiveness of everything, and I'm looking for a change.
I really just want to be part of an effective team with high spirits and make my living with sunlight and nature around me. My heart says 11/18X, but I'm very interested in HumInt stuff, as well as the Special Operations groups. I also found a 35M contract that I have on reserve for me that has airborne, RASP, a good bonus, & DLI; almost too good to pass up.
I've been reading around, and the general consensus seems to be:
Infintry = proud, love their jobs, deployments are actually more boring than garrison life.
SF = Love their job, get the best of everything, good luck getting in.
HumInt = garrison life is absolute hell, deployment is amazing and you do the absolute coolest stuff.
If you were either 11X or 35M, please verify these pros and cons, maybe explain some others, and give an overall review of a guy trying to avoid desk work.
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I want to commission and work with UAS.
Which branch will offer me more of this opportunity?
I was MI before and we had MI PLs for a UAS platoon in our MICO, but I’ve heard that aviation officers mainly oversee UAS.
Any insight?
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Currently a Poole in the marine corps. I’ve been in the DEP for 3 months, I have supposedly had 3 ship dates the last 2 months and everything keeps changing, haven’t been offered a job contract, etc. When I finally thought I was getting a job, I went to meps and they said I failed the depth perception test... I am ready to go and the marines seem to be fooling around. At this point I want to join the army and get a job that I actually want... How long would this take and is this possible? Also I really want 31E and I don’t qualify for the MOS in the marines, is it different for the army?
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Having dug through:AR 40-501 and having spent 2-3 weeks researching these questions I want to ask a question to a larder audience. Not using you guys as an easy tool. Any advice or tools would be greatly appreciated.
Long story short I want to go Airborne like my father-Grand-and Great Grandfather. Annoyingly I am partially colorblind. A lot of what i’m about to say comes as advice from my Father who was career guy/ also a recruiter at one point. Simply, I can tell the difference between Red/Green stop lights easily (vivid Reds and Greens), but I fail horribly at Pip.
For people who fail colorblind tests I know I know the Falant exists but saying I fail that aswell, MEPs (according to AR 40-501) is supposed to offer a Vivid G test. As with my cousin who was not offered this, I hear they just like to fail someone and push then along. My father’s advice was to raise hell until allowed to take the G vivid test, he said in the 90s it was the only way to get Meps to actually do anything.
My question is: is this the correct way to go about Meps? Is it really the only way to secure a vivid G test if not offered, is there anyway to ask for the test beforehand? If possible I would like not to make the days/lives of the Meps personnel any harder.
I understand if I was black/white colorblind not being allowed into jump school, but I can see G and being disqualified because I wasn’t given a chance to prove what I can see seems wrong.
I grew up listening to stories of Paratroopers from Korea-Iraq from family and it is all I have ever wanted to do, it means the world to me. If it seems I am entitled I do not mean to come off that way, it is only that i’ve had the last 9 years fixated on this goal.
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Is there an MOS thats related to computer engineering, computer Science or cyber Security where you don't need a TS Security Clearance?
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I am 27 years old. I exercise in the mornings. I have a bachelor's degree and a juris doctorate degree and over $150,000 in student loans. I feel like I need a reset on my financial and professional life. I feel like I need to grow more as a person before practicing law, if that's even what I want to do. I feel like I don't know who I am or what I really want to do. I feel like a clean slate and think the army could mold me into a proper and good man. I've grown complacent in my daily life and have never really traveled. I want to work with teams and to be a part of something bigger than myself or some law practice. Is the army a good fit for me? Will I be able to put my JD to use, perhaps as a paralegal? (I am aware of JAG but do not want to do that - I really wasn't the best student in law school) Additionally, I believe I will find and develop a far greater sense of honor and professionalism in the army than what I've seen among the legal community.
Thank you for your time to whoever may answer.
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Do 15E’s get trained on all platforms in AIT or are they split up and trained specifically on either the gray eagle or shadows?
Team leader here with a soldier who is trying to reclassify to 15E and he couldn’t find any good info online and he asked me if I knew the answer to the above question. As an 11B I have no clue. I searched older reddit posts on the aviation world and 15E’s but haven’t found much up to date information.
Any info is appreciated. Thanks
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In MEPS, do they do blood and urine drug test or is it just urine and blood is for hiv and std? Just wondering because I work out on a daily and do take supplements from gnc.
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To go in as a E3 in the army you need 48 college credits or more right?
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Q: Anyone know when the OCS Slot dates are for 2019 / 2020?
Direct Commissioning, so I still have to do Basic/OCS back-to-back.
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Alright guys I’m still a civilian but I’m starting the process of enlightenment, I’m 25 bout to be 26 im pretty much hitting the restart button on my life and so I went to the recruiters took a pre-qualifier or that’s what they told me, got a 35 but my GT was a 90 so we are going over job and apparently I’m able to enlist as a 35P I don’t understand how my recruiter said not everyone gets offered it but idk if he was just trying to get me to sign up, and I’m also 4 College credits away from going in as a E-2 and he informed me once I pass basic I’ll be a E-3 or E-4 can’t remember at the moment, but what he told me was to take the job do my 2yr enlistment the re-enlist go into the Green to Gold program and come out as a warrant officer, so basically what I’m asking is, is he lying to me or is he actually looking out for me?
Sorry if it sounds confusing I’m a kinda of a idiot...
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Note: I initially posted this but it got removed. Sorry Im still kinda new to reddit oof. But please read below! I hope this time I corrected my mistake...
I just wanted advice for Basic Training. I leave tomorrow to Fort Jackson. A little bit about myself, I'm a 17 year old female and love to make art and play video games. I joined the Army because Im the oldest in my family and I want to set the path for the young females in my family. I especially want to chip away this idea that, females don't belong in the Army especially Muslims (my family including me are Muslim). In addition, I want to better myself and get away from my toxic academic life.
Junior year of high school was extremely rough for me academically and yet I somehow survived. I go to one of the most academically vigorous high schools in the nation and you can ask any student, our lives are all academics, academics, academics. How does this correlate with basic training? Well I am not even close to being physically active because of the academics and standardized tests (SAT, ACT). Yes, I take full responsibility for not prioritizing my well being and excersise which is why I'm hoping the army will help set me straight.
I can't do a single push up, sit ups I'm decent at, running is a no go (I've just been jogging after school to home which is approx 2 miles, I have to get some practice in there somehow). The last thing I want to do is give up, I'm fully determined to get through with this no matter what.
Do you lovely people have any tips or advice? I know the army is meant for athletic people and I'm probably going to be the odd one out and be behind everyone else in terms of physical characteristics. but I will honor anything from you guys from experiences, tips, advice and especially motivation. Quite honestly, I just want to escape from academics and build myself up. I don't want to be just book smart I want to be street smart. I would rather push my self hard the Army way not through academics.
Thank you for reading!
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I’m a 27 almost 28 and always wanted to join the military. I always envied people who had the courage to fight and kind of felt guilty I never joined. I’ve been lost with my life and career for a few years now. I work in a family business that I have no desire to join as of now due to family issues and am also in college for a BA in psychology. I hope to one day become a clinical mental health counselor. I can continue down the path I am and get my BA and a shitty psych job full time while pursuing a masters in my 30s living with my parents. Or I was considering joining, I know the military is having low recruitment numbers and I would be able to be psychically in shape, ran a business so understand the need for teamwork, and am willing to be bottom rung and earn my way.
More so I’m just overwhelmed with the idea of a commitment or not sure what type of job I could theoretically receive. I’m just seeking advice on how to approach the situation. Should I speak to a recruiter and ask them and take the test to see where I stand, should I just keep doing my research. I always dreamed of working in some sort of intelligence work or analysis of some sort.
Thank you, hope to hear some constructive criticism and advice. Thank you for your service also.
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Quick question, long explanation. Is there an AR or FM that covers soldiers who have been on PT profiles for a period of time?
I've been on profile since the late February. I had a surgery shortly after and have been on a profile for that since. (Pilonidal Sinus I&D). I've been on a no sit up profile since then. My profile ended and I've been told I have to take the record APFT first thing Monday morning. Now I'm on leave currently and I haven't had a chance to see my doctor. Before I left I was still getting it packed and cleaned on a daily basis and will continue when I get back. I'll get the profile extension however the question burned in my mind.
My first line told me the AR saying you give double the amount of time that was on the profile is no longer a requirement and/or thing. Is that true? If I wasn't getting the extension I'd be royally fucked so I was just curious. Thanks.
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I know it’s a recruiters job to get people to sign up. Can they lie to you or stretch the truth?
My brother wants to sign up for the reserve and has a meeting on Thursday but the whole “basic training then only one weekend a month two weeks a year” sounds too good to be true. Is he at a high risk of being sent away more than that?
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