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On Spells and Society, or how 5e spells completely change everyone's lives.

Today i have a confession to make: i'm a little bit of a minmaxer. And honestly, i think that's a pretty desirable trait in a DM. The minmaxer knows the rules, and exploits them to maximum efficiency.
"But wait, what does that have to do with spell use in society?" - someone, probably.
Well, the thing is that humans are absolutely all about minmaxing. There's a rule in the universe that reads "gas expands when hot", and suddenly we have steam engines (or something like that, i'm a political scientist not an engineer). A rule says 1+1 = 2, and suddenly we have calculus, computers and all kinds of digital stuff that runs on math. Sound is energy? Let's convert that shit into electricity, run it through a wire and turn it back into sound on the other side.
Bruh. Science is just minmaxing the laws of nature. Humanity in real life is just a big bunch of munchkins, and it should be no different in your setting.
And that is why minmaxing magic usage is something societies as a whole would do, specially with some notable spells. Today i will go in depth on how and why each of these notable mentions has a huge impact on a fantasy society.
We'll go from lowest level to highest, keeping in mind that the lower level a spell the more common it should be to find someone who has it, so often a level 2-3 spell will have more impact than a level 9 spell.

Mending (cantrip).
Repair anything in one minute. Your axe lost its edge? Tore your shirt? Just have someone Mend it.
Someone out there is crying "but wait! Not every village has a wizard!" and while that is true, keep in mind any High Elf knows a cantrip, as can any Variant Human.
A single "mender" could replace a lot of the work a smith, woodworker or seamstress does, freeing their time to only work on making new things rather than repair old ones.

Prestidigitation (cantrip).
Clean anything in six seconds. Committed axe murders until the axe got blunt, and now there's blood everywhere? Dog shit on your pillow out of spite? Someone walked all over the living room with muddy boots? Just Prestidigitate it away.
This may look like a small thing, but its actually huge when you apply it to laundry. Before washing machines were a thing housewives had to spend several hours a week washing them manually, and with Prestidigitation you can just hire someone to get it done in a few minutes.
A single "magic cleaner" can attend to several dozen homes, if not hundreds, thus freeing several hours of the time of dozens of women.
Fun fact: there's an interesting theory that says feminism only existed because of laundry machines and similar devices. Women found themselves having more free time, which they used to read and socialize. Educated women with more contacts made for easy organization of political movements, and the fact men were now able to do "the women's work" by pushing a button meant men were less opposed to losing their housewives' labor. Having specialized menders and magic cleaners could cause a comparable revolution in a fantasy setting, and help explain why women have a similar standing to men even in combat occupations such as adventuring.

Healing in general (1st-2nd level).
This one is fairly obvious. A commoner has 4 hit points, that means just about any spell is a full heal to the average person. That means most cuts, stab wounds, etc. can be solved by the resident cleric. Even broken bones that would leave you in bed for months can be solved in a matter of seconds as soon as the holy man arrives.
But that's nothing compared to the ability to cure diseases. While the only spell that can cure diseases is Lesser Restoration, which is second level, a paladin can do it much more easily with just a Lay on Hands. This means if one or two people catch a disease it can just be eradicated with a touch.
However doing that comes with a cost. If everyone is instantly expunged of illness, the populace does not build up their immune systems. Regular disease becomes less common, sure, but whenever it is reintroduced (by, say, immigrants or contact with less civilized humanoids) it can spread like wildfire, afflicting people so fast that no amount of healers will have the magic juice to deal with it.
Diseases become rare, plagues become common.

Continual Flame (2nd).
Ok, this one is a topic i love and could easily be its own post.
There's an article called "Why the Falling Cost of Light Matters", which goes in detail about how man went from chopping wood for fire, to using animal fat for candles, then other oils, whale oil, kerosene, then finally incandescent light bulbs, and more recently LED lights. Each of these leaps is orders of grandeur more efficient than the previous one, to the point that the cost of light today is about 500,000 times cheaper than it was for for a caveman. And until the early 1900s the only way mankind knew of making light was to set things on fire.
Continual Flame on the other hand allows you to turn 50gp worth of rubies and a 2nd level spell slot into a torch that burns forever. In a society that spends 60 hours of labor to be able to generate 140 minutes of light, this is a huge game changer.
This single spell, which i am 99% sure was just created as an excuse for why the dungeon is lit despite going for centuries without maintenance, allows you to have things like public lighting. Even if you only add a new "torchpost" every other week or month sooner or later you'll be left with a neatly lit city, specially if the city has had thousands of years in which to gather the rubies and light them up.
And because the demand of rubies becomes so important, consider how governments would react. Lighting the streets is a public service, if its strategically relevant to make the city safer at night, would that not warrant some restrictions on ruby sales? Perhaps even banning the use of rubies in jewelry?
Trivia: John D. Rockefeller, the richest man in history, gained his wealth selling kerosene. Kerosene at the time was used to light lamps. Gasoline was invented much later, when Rockefeller tasked a bunch of scientists to come up with a use for some byproducts of the kerosene production. This illustrates how much money is to be had in the lighting industry, and you could even have your own Rockefeller ruby baron in your game. I shall call him... Dohn J. Stonebreaker. Perfect name for a mining entrepreneur.
Whether the ruby trade ends up a monopoly under the direct supervision of the king or a free market, do keep in mind that Continual Flame is by far the most efficient way of creating light.

Gentle Repose (2nd).
Cast it on a corpse, and it stays preserved for 10 days.
This has many potential uses, from preserving foodstuffs (hey, some rare meats are expensive enough to warrant it) to keeping the bodies of old rulers preserved. Even if a ruler died of old age and cannot be resurrected, the body could be kept "fresh" out of respect/ceremony. Besides, it keeps the corpse from becoming undead.

Skywrite (2nd).
Ok, this one is mostly a gag. While the spell can be used by officials to make official announcements to the populace, such as new laws or important news, i like to just use it for spam. I mean, its a ritual spell that writes a message on the sky; what else would people use it for?
Imagine you show up in a city, and there's half a dozen clouds reading "buy at X, we have what you need", "get your farming supplies over at Joe's store" or "vote Y for the city council".
The possibilities are endless, and there's no way the players can expect it. Just keep in mind that by RAW the spell can only do words, meaning no images. No Patrick, "8===D" is not a word.

Zone of Truth (2nd).
This one is too obvious. Put all suspects of a crime into a ZoT, wait a couple minutes to make sure they fail the save, then ask each one if he did it. Sure its not a perfect system, things like the Ring of Mind Shielding still exist, but it's got a better chance of getting the right guy than most medieval justice systems. And probably more than a few contemporary ones. All while taking only a fraction of the time.
More importantly, with all the average crimes being handled instantly, the guards and investigators have more time to properly investigate the more unusual crimes that might actually involve a Thought Shield, Ring of Mind Shielding or a level 17 Mastermind.
There is a human rights argument against messing with people's minds in any way, which is why this may not be practiced in every kingdom. But there are definitely some more lawful societies that would use ZoT on just about every crime.
Why swear to speak the truth and nothing but the truth when you can just stand in a zone of truth?
Another interesting use for ZoT is oaths. When someone is appointed into an office, gets to a high rank in the military or a guild, just put them in a ZoT while they make their oath to stand for the organization's values and yadda yadda. Of course they can be corrupted later on, but at least you make sure they're honest when they are sworn in.

Sending (3rd).
Sending is busted in so many ways.
The more "vanilla" use of it is to just communicate over long distances. We all know that information is important, and that sometimes getting information a whole day ahead can lead to a 40% return on a massive two-year investment. Being able to know of invasions, monsters, disasters, etc. without waiting days or weeks for a courier can be vital for the survival of a nation. Another notable example is that one dude who ran super fast for a while to be the first to tell his side of a recent event.
But the real broken thing here is... Sending can Send to any creature, on any plane; the only restriction being "with which you are familiar". In D&D dead people just get sent to one of the afterlife planes, meaning that talking to your dead grandfather would be as simple as Sending to him. Settling inheritance disputes was never easier!
Before moving on to the next point let me ask you something: Is a cleric familiar with his god? Is a warlock familiar with his patron?

Speak With Dead (3rd).
Much like Sending, this lets you easily settle disputes. Is the senate/council arguing over a controversial topic? Just ask the beloved hero or ruler from 200 years ago what he thinks on the subject. As long his skeleton still has a jaw (or if he has been kept in Gentle Repose), he can answer.
This can also be used to ask people who killed them, except murderers also know this. Plan on killing someone? Accidentally killed someone? Make sure to inutilize the jaw. Its either that, being so stealthy the victim can't identify you, or being caught.

Note on spell availability.
Oh boy. No world-altering 4th level spells for some reason, and suddenly we're playing with the big boys now.
Spells up to 3rd level are what I'd consider "somewhat accessible", and can be arranged for a fee even for regular citizens. For instance the vanilla Priest statblock (MM348) is a 5th level cleric, and the standard vanilla Druid (MM346) a 4th level druid.
Spells of 5th level onward will be considered something only the top 1% is able to afford, or large organizations such as guilds, temples or government.

Dream (5th).
I was originally going to put Dream along with Sending and Telepathy as "long range communication", but decided against it due to each of them having unique uses.
And when it comes to Dream, it has the unique ability of allowing you to put your 8 hours of sleep to good use. A tutor could hire someone to cast Dream on him, thus allowing him to teach his student for 8 hours at any distance. This is a way you could even access hermits that live in the middle of nowhere or in secluded monasteries. Very wealthy families or rulers would be willing to pay a good amount of money to make sure their heirs get that extra bit of education.
Its like online classes, but while you sleep!
Another interesting use is for cheating. Know a princess or queen you like? She likes you back? Her dad put 400 trained soldiers between you? No problemo! Just find a 9th level Bard, Warlock or Wizard, but who am i kidding, of course it'll be a bard. And that bard is probably you. Now you have 8 hours to do whatever you want, and no physical evidence will be left.

Raise Dead (5th).
Few things matter more in life than death. And the ability to resurrect people has a huge impact on society. The impact is so huge that this topic needs topics of its own.
First, diamond monopoly. Remember what i said about how Continual Flame would lead to controlled ruby sales due to its strategic value? This is the same principle, but a hundred times stronger. Resurrection is a huge strategic resource. It makes assassinations harder, can be used to bring back your officials or highest level soldiers over and over during a war, etc. This means more authoritarian regimes would do everything within their power to control the supply and stock of diamonds. Which in turn means if anyone wants to have someone resurrected, even in times of peace, they'll need to call in a favor, do a quest, grease some hands...
Second, resurrection insurance. People hate risks. That's why insurance is such a huge industry, taking up about 15% of the US GDP. People insure their cars, houses... even their lives. Resurrection just means "life insurance" is taken more literally. This makes even more sense when you consider how expensive resurrection is: nobody can afford it in one go, but if you pay a little every month or year you can save up enough to have it done when the need arises.
This is generally incompatible with the idea of a State-run monopoly over diamonds, but that just means different countries within a setting can take different approaches.
To make things easier, i even used some microeconomics to make a sheet in my personal random generators to calculate the price of such a service. Just head to the "Insurance" tab and fill in the information relative to your setting.
With actual life insurance resurrection can cost as little as 5gp a year for humans or 8sp a year for elves, making resurrection way more affordable than it looks.
Also, do you know why pirates wore a single gold earring? It was so that if your body washes up on the shore whoever finds it can use the money to arrange a proper burial. Sure there's a risk of the finder taking it and walking away, but the pirates did it anyway. With resurrection in play, might as well just wear a diamond earring instead and hope the finder is nice enough to bring you back.
I got so carried away with the whole insurance thing i almost forgot: the possibility of resurrection also changes how murders are committed.
If you want someone dead but resurrection exists, you have to remove the vital organs. Decapitation would be far more common. Sure resurrection is still possible, but it requires higher level spells or Reincarnate, which has... quirks.
As a result it should be very obvious when someone was killed by accident or an overreaction, and when someone was specifically out to kill the victim.

Scrying (5th).
This one is somewhat obvious, in that everyone and their mother knows it helps finding people. But who needs finding? Well, that would be those who are hiding.
The main use i see for this spell, by far, is locating escaped criminals. Just collect a sample of hair or blood when arresting someone (or shipping them to hard labor which is way smarter), and if they escape you'll be almost guaranteed to successfully scry on them.
A similar concept to this is seen in the Dragon Age series. If you're a mage the paladins keep a sample of your blood in something called a phylactery, and that can be used to track you down. There's even a quest or two about mages trying to destroy their phylacteries before escaping.
Similarly, if you plan a jailbreak it would be highly beneficial to destroy the blood/hair sample first. As a matter of fact i can even see a thieves guild hiring a low level party to take out the sample while the professional infiltrators get the prisoner out. Keep in mind both events must be done at the same time, otherwise the guards will just collect a new sample or would have already taken it to the wizard.
But guards aren't the only ones with resources. A loan shark could keep blood samples of his debtors, a mobster can keep one of those who owe him favors, etc. And the blood is ceremoniously returned only when the debt is fully paid.

Teleportation Circle (5th), Transport Via Plants (6th).
In other words, long range teleportation. This is such a huge thing that it is hard to properly explain how important it is.
Teleportation Circle creates a 10ft. circle, and everyone has one round to get in and appear on the target location. Assuming 30ft. movement that means you can get 192 people through, which is a lot of potential merchants going across any distance. Or 672 people dashing.
Math note: A 30ft radius square around a 10ft. diameter square, minus the 4 original squares. Or [(6*2+2)^2]-4 squares of 5ft. each. Hence 192 people.
Getting hundreds of merchants, workers, soldiers, etc. across any distance is nothing to scoff at. In fact, it could help explain why PHB item prices are so standardized: Arbitrage is so easy and cheap that price differences across multiple markets become negligible. Unless of course countries start setting up tax collectors outside of the permanent teleportation circles in order to charge tariffs.
Transport Via Plants does something very similar but it requires 5ft of movement to go through, which means less people can be teleported. On the other hand it doesn't burn 50gp and can take you to any tree the druid is familiar with, making it nearly impossible for tax collectors to be waiting on the other side. Unfortunately druids tend to be a lot less willing to aid smugglers, so your best bet might be a bard using spells that don't belong to his list.
With these methods of long range teleportation not only does trade get easier, but it also becomes possible to colonize or inhabit far away places. For instance if someone finds a gold mine in the antarctic you could set up a mine and bring food and other supplies via teleportation.

Major Image (6th level slot).
Major Image is a 3rd level spell that creates an illusion over a 20ft cube, complete with image, sound, smell and temperature. When cast with a 6th level slot or higher, it lasts indefinitely.
That my friends, is a huge spell. Why get the world's best painter to decorate the ceiling of your cathedral when you can just get an illusion made in six seconds?
The uses for decorating large buildings is already good, but remember: we're not restricted to sight.
Cast this on a room and it'll always be cool and smell nice. Inns would love that, as would anyone who always sleeps or works in the same room. Desert cities have never been so chill.
You can even use an illusion to make the front of your shop seem flashier, while hollering on loop to bring customers in.
The only limit to this spell is your imagination, though I'm pretty sure it was originally made just to hide secret passages.
Trivia: the ki-rin (VGM163) can cast Major Image as a 6th level spell, at will. It's probably meant to give them fabulous lairs yet all it takes is someone doing the holy horsey a big favor, and it could enchant the whole city in a few hours. Shiniest city on the planet, always at a nice temperature and with a fragrance of lilac, gooseberries or whatever you want.

Simulacrum (7th).
Spend 12 hours and 1500gp worth of ruby dust, and get a clone of yourself. Notably, each caster can only have one simulacrum, regardless of who the person he cloned is.
How this changes the world? By allowing the rich and powerful to be in two places at once. Kings now have a perfect impersonator who thinks just like them. A wealthy banker can run two branches of his company. Etc.
This makes life much easier, but also competes with Continual Flame over resources.
It also gives "go fuck yourself" a whole new meaning, making the sentence a valid Suggestion.

Clone (8th).
If there's one spell i despise, its Clone.
Wizard-only preemptive resurrection. Touch spell, costs 1.000gp worth of diamonds each time, takes 120 days to come into effect, and creates a copy of the creature that the soul occupies if the original dies. Oh, and the copy can be made younger.
Why is it so despicable? Because it makes people effectively immortal. Accidents and assassinations just get you sent to the clone, and old age can be forever delayed because you keep going back to younger versions of yourself. Being a touch spell means the wizard can cast it on anyone he wants.
In other words: high level wizards, and only wizards, get to make anyone immortal.
That means wizards will inevitably rule any world in which this spell exists.
Think about it. Rulers want to live forever. Wizards can make you live forever. Wizards want other stuff, which you must give them if you want to continue being Cloned. Rulers who refuse this deal eventually die, rulers who accept stick around forever. Natural selection makes it so that eventually the only rulers left are those who sold their soul to wizards. Figuratively, i hope.
The fact that there are only a handful of wizards out there who are high enough level to cast the spell means its easier for them organize and/or form a cartel or union (cartels/unions are easier to maintain the fewer suppliers are involved).
This leads to a dystopian scenario where mages rule, kings are authoritarian pawns and nobody else has a say in anything. Honestly it would make for a fun campaign in and of itself, but unless that's specifically what you're going for it'll just derail everything else.
Oh, and Clone also means any and all liches are absolute idiots. Liches are people who turned themselves into undead abominations in order to gain eternal life at the cost of having to feed on souls. They're all able to cast 9th level wizard spells, so why not just cast an 8th level one and keep undeath away? Saves you the trouble of going after souls, and you keep the ability to enjoy food or a day in the sun.

Demiplane (8th).
Your own 30ft. room of nothingness. Perfect place for storage and a DM's nightmare given how once players have access to it they'll just start looting furniture and such. Oh the horror.
But alas, infinite storage is not the reason this is a broken spell. No sir.
Remember: you can access someone else's demiplane. That means a caster in city 1 can put things into a demiplane, and a caster in city 2 can pull them out of any surface.
But wait, there's more! There's nothing anywhere saying you can't have two doors to the same demiplane open at once. Now you're effectively opening a portal between two places, which stays open for a whole hour.
But wait, there's even more! Anyone from any plane can open a door to your neat little demiplane. Now we can get multiple casters from multiple planes connecting all of those places, for one hour. Sure this is a very expensive thing to do since you're having to coordinate multiple high level individuals in different planes, but the payoff is just as high. We're talking about potential integration between the most varied markets imaginable, few things in the multiverse are more valuable or profitable. Its a do-it-yourself Sigil.
One little plot hook i like about demiplanes is abandoned/inactive ones. Old wizard/warlock died, and nobody knows how to access his demiplanes. Because he's at least level 15 you just know there's some good stuff in there, but nobody can get to it. Now the players have to find a journal, diary, stored memory or any other way of knowing enough about the demiplane to access it.

True Polymorph (9th).
True Polymorph. The spell that can turn any race into any other race, or object. And vice-versa. You can go full fairy godmother and turn mice into horses. For a spell that can change anything about one's body it would not be an unusual ruling to say it can change one's sex. At the very least it can turn a man into a chair, and the chair into a woman (or vice-versa of course).
But honestly, that's just the tip of the True Polymorph iceberg. Just read this more carefully:
> You transform the creature into a different creature, the creature into a nonmagical object, or the object into a creature
This means you can turn a rock or twig into a human. A fully functional human with, as far as the rules go, a soul. You can create life.
But wait, there's more! Nothing there says you have to turn the target into a known creature on an existing creature. The narcissist bard wants to create a whole race of people who look like him? True Polymorph. A player wants to play a weird ass homebrew race and you have no idea how it would fit into the setting? True Polymorph. Wizard needs a way to quickly populate a kingdom and doesn't want to wait decades for the subjects to grow up? True Polymorph. Warlock must provide his patron 100 souls in order to free his own? True Polymorph. The sorcerer wants to do something cool? Fuck that guy, sorcerers don't get any of the fun high level spells; True Poly is available to literally every arcane caster but the sorcerer.
Note: what good is Twinned Spell if all the high level twinnable spells have been specifically made unavailable to sorcerers?
Do keep in mind however that this brings a whole new discussion on human rights. Does a table have rights? Does it have rights after being turned into a living thing? If it had an owner, is it now a slave? Your country will need so many new laws, just to deal with this one spell.
People often say that high level wizards are deities for all intents and purposes. This is the utmost proof of that. Clerics don't get to create life out of thin air, wizards do. The cleric worships a deity, the wizard is the deity.

Intelligent creatures not only can game the system, but it is entirely in character for them to do so. I'll even argue that if humanoids don't use magic to improve their lives when it's available, you're pushing the suspension of disbelief.
With this post i hope to have helped you make more complex and realistic societies, as well as provide a few interesting and unusual plot hooks
Lastly, as much as i hate comment begging i must admit i am eager to see what spells other players think can completely change the world. Because at the end of the day we all know that extra d6 damage is not what causes empires to rise and fall, its the utility spells that make the best stories.

Edit: Added spell level to all spells, and would like to thank u/kaul_field for helping with finishing touches and being overall a great mod.
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GameStar DE: 100 Answers about Cyberpunk (Translation)

Here's attempt number 2, hopefully it won't get auto-deleted this time.
So, German gaming magazine GameStar have released a video on their Youtube channel where they answer 100 questions commonly asked by their fans about the game, based on their previous coverage and the demo journalists got to play.
I figured it's a nice little summary, especially for newcomers, and I learned a few new things from it as well.
You can find the original video here:
  1. How big is the open world?
    The world will be smaller than The Witcher 3’s, but also more densely built. We also have a super serious metric from level designer Miles Tost: There will be more doors than in The Witcher 3, which already had around 2500. But, like in Witcher, not all of them can be entered.
  2. Is there a map already?
    There’s no map for the entire game world yet, but this map of the city has been going around.
  3. How many of the buildings can be entered?
    A lot of buildings can’t be entered, and large part of the scenery, like street vendors, can’t be interacted with. Still, in our preview build we had the impression of a living world built with love, where there are lot of things to explore and little dialogues to come across.
  4. Will Night City busier than how it currently looks in gameplay?
    According to the devs, street traffic was bugged in our demo build, that’s why there was less traffic than planned. There should be cars going around on the streets in the complete game. There were less pedestrians on the sidewalks compared to the very first demo, but it was still more than enough to make the city feel lived-in.
  5. Since traffic was mentioned: how is the vehicle handling?
    Still under work. In our session, it resembled GTA’s the most, but was too sensitive. The devs are also still experimenting with more arcade-y controls for unexperienced drivers.
  6. Will there be other vehicles in addition to cars?
    Yes, there will be bikes. CD Projekt also promises vehicles that we’re not expecting. In our session, we could also fly around in a flying limousine, but we couldn’t control it.
  7. Can I mod my vehicles?
    You can find tuned and styled vehicles, but we can unfortunately not modify them on our own.
  8. Are there radio stations like in GTA?
    Yep. Every vehicle has different stations, and on some stations you can hear songs that artists have recorded just for the game.
  9. Is Cyberpunk just GTA in the future?
    No. The similarities are mostly superficial. You can cruise around in an open metropolis in both, but Cyberpunk’s is the setting for a real RPG experience with meaningful choices and character options, but still has some big action parts.
  10. Can I run around the city like a madman and mow down everything in my way?
    Okay, another thing in common with GTA. You can indeed speed through the city like Rambo, but when the police catch sight of you breaking laws, you’ll get stars and will be hunted. On higher levels, they might even throw sentry turrets on the ground.
  11. How does fast travel function?
    At first, there was a metro system planned for fast travel. The metro won’t be usable anymore, but we will be able to travel between tourism spots similar to signposts in The Witcher 3.
  12. What is there to do in Night City?
    In addition to classic main and side missions, there are also smaller tasks like the so-called “gigs”, which were known before as “street stories”. These are smaller missions that tell their own story, but on a smaller scale. They should round out Night City and allow you to collect xp. There are about 75 of these.
  13. Is there something like the monster contracts from The Witcher 3?
    Yes. There are so-called “cyber-psychos” around the game world. People who had so many cyber implants installed that they went crazy.
  14. What about minigames?
    Those will be there too. We can expect hacking, boxing, car races, and shooting ranges.
  15. Can V have multiple apartments?
    The devs eventually specified that V will only have one apartment.
  16. Can I at least decorate it myself?
    Nnnno. You can only store different vehicles in the garage.
  17. Is the game really only set in Night City?
    The city is surrounded by the desert-like Badlands, which has its own quests and factions. When you choose the nomad background, it will also be your starting area.
  18. Are there animals in the game?
    There are some animals roaming around the world. Cats even allow you to pet them.
  19. What is the world of Cyberpunk 2077 actually based on?
    The Californian free city-state of Night City and its story comes from the pen&paper RPG, Cyberpunk 2020.
  20. And what does Cyberpunk mean?
    The term does not originate from the RPG, nor from CD Projekt Red. It refers to a sub-genre of sci-fi centered around the contrast between “high-tech” and “low-life”. The central theme being transhumanism.
  21. Uh, transhumanism?
    Trying to improve humans through technology. In this case, through cyberware implants.
  22. What exactly is Cyberpunk Pen&Paper about?
    It presents a future where lot of the old governments have collapsed and megacorps take power. Night City is a merciless construct where corporate thugs and gangs wrestle for power. The city will be defined by the contrast between the neon filled high society and dirty alleys full of junkies.
  23. So what are megacorps?
    They are huge companies that have taken over some places like Night City, or even classical governments.
  24. And who are they exactly?
    There are three of them in the game. The biggest is the tech-giant, “Arasaka”, their rivals, the equipment manufacturer “Militech”, while the latest and youngest is “Kang Tao”. Modern smartguns are the key here.
  25. What are these smartguns?
    A specific type of weapons that can be linked with cyberware. The one in the footage has been linked with V’s scanner, and can shoot bullets that track enemies. However, such weapons should do less damage compared to manually aimed ones.
  26. In addition to megacorps, gangs are also fighting over rule of Night City. What gangs are there?
    There are the triad-like Tyger Claws; the Mox, a group of prostitutes and outcasts; the hacker group, Voodoo-Boys; the underground militia, 6th Street; the playboy’s gang, aka Valentino’s; the cyberware fanatics, Maelstrom; finally, the fightclub- and steroid-lover Animals.
  27. Can you join these gangs in the game?
    No. There’s also no reputation system with factions. However, during the story you will interact with them, and must decide whether you want to work with them or not.
  28. Will there be a morality system?
    Cyberpunk will refrain from having a morality system. However, our decisions will still matter heavily.
  29. Do you have to know the source material to understand the story?
    Not really, but old fans will be pleased to know that the designer of the RPG, Mike Pondsmith, has been working closesly with CD Projekt Red. He even announced some revisions to some events so they fit the game better.
  30. How long will the story be?
    We’ll only know specifics after release. Still, the main story should apparently be shorter than The Witcher 3’s.
  31. Does that mean I can’t spend as much time with Cyberpunk as The Witcher 3?
    That’s not what was meant. The dev’s comment was strictly about the main story and bigger side missions, but didn’t include every smaller activity in the game. And in exchange, quests should be more branching and complex than in The Witcher 3. So it’s still possible that with side activities included Cyberpunk will actually be longer, or at least offer more replayability thanks to more choices.
  32. Will there be multiple endings?
  33. Do sidequests influence the main story?
    According to the devs, that will be the case for some quests.
  34. What role does Keanu Reeves’s character play?
    Johnny Silverhand will play an important role in the plot of Cyberpunk 2077. He has the most voice lines next to our main character, V. As a sort of hologram, he will be with us throughout the game.
  35. Very important: is Keanu Reeves romanceable?
    The devs have unfortunately already confirmed that V and Johhny won’t be able to get together.
  36. Are there same-sex romances?
    Since V’s character isn’t as pre-defined as Geralt’s, you can choose their romantic preference for yourself, and pursue same-sex relationships. But other NPCs also have their own preferences.
  37. What kind of origins are available for V?
    You can choose between the corp-affiliated corpo, the daredevil street kid, or the nomad from the bad lands outside town.
  38. What effects does V’s origins have on my game progression?
    You start the game in a different area according to your choice. You also receive some background-specific dialogue options in some conversations.
  39. Does the background also effect the main story?
    Yes, the devs want to integrate it to the main story as well, like how your encounters with specific factions will differ based on your background.
  40. How detailed is the character creator?
    Cyberpunk has a very detailed and… intimate character creator. Other than classic options, like skin, eyes, hair, etc., you can also personalize your genitals. You won’t be using sliders to adjust every millimeter of your nose, but instead choose between presets for each body part.
  41. How does choosing your sex work?
    You don’t just choose a sex, first you choose a male of female base body, which you can then combine with the other sex, like with voice or genitals. You can also go with no genitals. The base body also defines whether others call you he or she.
  42. Can Cyberpunk be streamed despite the nudity?
    We can only know for sure after release. Still, Witcher 3 could also be streamed on Twitch without issues. The rules of Twitch are only against games where nudity is the main focus.
  43. Will I only see things from the first person?
    In gameplay, yes; there is no TPS view. However, you can look down on your character and check them in the mirror.
  44. What about cutscenes?
    There are still cutscenes where we see ourselves from the third person, but the devs have reduced their number since the first demo, and things happen mostly in first person.
  45. What classes does Cyberpunk have?
    Cyberpunk has no strict classes, you can combine your skill freely. There are two fundamental playstyles, though: Solo and Netrunner.
  46. What’s the difference between the two styles?
    Solo builds on strength or speed, and as such is in the thick of things. Meanwhile, the netrunner tries to take care of enemies from afar and with clever hacks. Or you could build your hero somewhere in-between.
  47. What happened to the Techie?
    The robot-professional as the third playstyle has been done away with. Some of its planned skills did make it into the netrunner and tech attributes. For example, you can defuse mines and pick locks.
  48. Why was the Techie removed?
    For one, the animations for your own flathead robot would’ve required too many resources. It was also not distinct enough from the Netrunner, according to devs, as both focus on manipulating or hacking technology.
  49. Is the flathead robot still in the game though?
    It’ll still be used in the prologue, but that’s part of the story. We won’t be able to use one as our own little henchman.
  50. How does the skill system work?
    There are actually multiple skill systems in the game. First, there are five main attributes, each offering 2-3 talent trees with 20 perks. There are also the street credibility points, and you can also improve your skills by just using them, similar to Skyrim.
  51. What is street cred used for?
    It shows how well known or liked V is in Night City, and can be improved through side tasks. Higher streed cred will unlock more wares at merchants, and gives attributes and talent points similar to level ups.
  52. Is there a level cap?
    Yes, it’s 50 currently, but that can change.
  53. What kind of attributes are there?
    There are five attributes you can level. Strength, Reflex, Intelligence, Tech, and Coolness.
  54. Wait, Coolness?
    If you skill coolness, you’ll be better at sneaking and stressful situations. You will also be better in cold blood mode, which can be used when you’re under 50% HP.
  55. So can I play Cyberpunk as a stealth game?
    Depending on which class you delve more into and which perks you level, a quiet and tactical approach is definitely doable.
  56. Is it also possibly to finish the game without a single kill?
    Yes, according to dev statements, there’ll be other means and ways to reach quest goals and to knock out NPCs.
  57. What’s the hacking like in game?
    They have changed a few things since the early demos. There’s no need to hack central nodes anymore, you can directly scan and then hack enemies and devices. Enemy hacks do cost memory points, a sort of hacking mana that replenishes slowly.
  58. What can be hacked anyway?
    In previous demos, there was a lot to hack. From doors, through sentry guns and all kinds of environmental objects, like a boxing robot that knocks its sparring partner out, to enemy implants.
  59. What exactly are Braindances?
    They are perfect memories of NPCs, that you can go through as if in VR.
  60. How will Braindances be used in the game?
    In addition to exploring necessary plot info, you can also find hints that can be useful when you enter the stage later. For example, seeing someone input a code or where loot was hidden.
  61. Where do you get cyberware?
    You buy then at specialists, the ripperdocs.
  62. And how do they work?
    V has cyberware slots on different body parts. There are active, triggered, and passive variants. Passives increase things in the background like stats, or allow you to run faster, among others. Triggered ones are triggered automatically under certain circumstances. A reflex tuner starts bullet time when your HP is too low. Active implants are things like the mantis blades.
  63. What kind of cyberware do we currently know about?
    There are all kinds of different implants. Such as scanners, arm blades, or a blood pump in your heart which functions as an internal healing potion.
  64. Can you play V completely without implants?
    Some of the modifications will be installed during the story, so you can’t stay 100% human.
  65. Are there disadvantages to having too many cyberware implants?
    No, V won’t be afflicted with the so-called Cyberpsychosis from the lore.
  66. How much of a shooter is Cyberpunk?
    It will more or less depend on each player how big the shooty bits will be. Depending on your skill and weapon choices, you can get away with very little shooting, or try to solve most of your problems with a generous sprinkling of lead first.
  67. And what does the gunplay feel like?
    Similar to Destiny. Meaning that shooting guns feels nice, but since it’s an RPG enemies can take more hits, even to the head, as compared to more realictis shooters.
  68. Is there a cover system?
    Yes, Cyberpunk has dynamic covers. When you hide behind a wall, you can peek and shoot.
  69. In case I don’t want to go shooty-shooty, how does melee work?
    Classic and nothing fancy. There are buttons to attack, dodge, and block. A well-timed block leads to a counterattack. Most moves do cost stamina, which you must pay attention to.
  70. What kind of melee weapons are there?
    You can use all kinds of weapons, from katanas through arm blades to cybernetically decked out gorilla arms.
  71. And how does melee feel?
    The heavy hit feedback does makes it fun, but it’s not exceptional. Especially since enemies often hit so hard, that it’s smarter to stay in cover. Whether that will be rebalanced remains to be seen.
  72. Can you create your own weapons?
    There will be a crafting system where you can make your own equipment, including weapons.
  73. What about improving items?
    That’s doable too. Weapons will have upgrade slots for things like silencers or sights.
  74. What kind of other weapon upgrades are there?
    Cyberpunk also offers some fancier stuff. For example, you can equip your boomstick with fire or poison damage. However, some upgrades require specific cyberware. With those, you can bounce bullets off walls, for example.
  75. Does your clothing affect stats?
    Clothing has no stats per se, so you can choose the style you like. You can, however, upgrade them like weapons, which can affect stats. Higher quality clothes also offer more slots.
  76. Is V’s inventory limited?
    Yes, and carry weight also plays a role.
  77. Can damage numbers be turned off?
    The devs have been promised since 2018 that many HUD elements, like damage numbers, will be toggleable. On the other hand, there will be cyberware, like the optical scanner, which give you more interface info.
  78. Will there be multiple difficulties?
    Yes, even a hardcore mode with specific conditions, like no HUD, has been announced.
  79. Will there be a New Game+?
    According to polish magazine PSX Extreme, a new game+ mode is being worked on. However, it’s unclear whether it will be available on launch, or added later as with The Witcher 3.
  80. Is there fall damage?
    Yes, but also a perk to absorb it.
  81. Are there survival elements?
    You won’t have to worry about eating and drinking, except to heal yourself.
  82. Is there a photo mode?
    Not so surprisingly, a photo mode is planned for the game.
  83. Are there any addons planned?
    According to devs, there will be at least as many DLCs as for The Witcher 3, which had 16 smaller free DLCs and two bigger story expansions. We don’t know yet whether Cyberpunk will have the same structure. Still, there should be free content as well as bigger single player expansions.
  84. Will there be a multiplayer mode?
    Not on launch. The devs are already working on a yet-undefined multiplayer mode, but that would only happen after the single player expansions are done.
  85. What about a co-op mode?
    Definitely not at the start. Whether the promised multiplayer mode will include co-op, is yet unkown.
  86. So, when will the game be out?
    After another delay, the current release date is 19.11.2020.
  87. Which platforms will it be available for?
    On release: PC, PS4, Xbox One. The Google Stadia version will be online a bit later towards the end of the year.
  88. What about next-gen consoles?
    If you have the PS4 or Xbox One version, you’ll be able to play the same version for the new PS5 or Xbox X, respectively. It was announced that there would be an update later which will take full advantage of the new hardware.
  89. What kind of framerate and resolution can we expect on consoles?
    We don’t know many specifics yet. Microsoft shows 4K for the Xbox One, but Sonly only 1080p for the PS4. We know nothing about the framerate yet.
  90. If playing on PC, will I require a high-end machine?
    Our demo ran on a GeForce RTX 2080Ti, but that shouldn’t speak of the final system specifications. At the very least, you’ll require a top graphics card for ray tracing, as it’s only offerend by Nvidia’s top models, and AMD is still trailing behind with the Navi lineup. Ray tracing aside, the devs claim they make great efforts to optimize the game for mid-range systems.
  91. How much free space will I need?
    The PS store shows 80GB, twice as much as what The Witcher 3 needed.
  92. What kind of editions are there?
    Next to the digital and standard editions, there’s also and epic collector’s edition – which was sold out pretty quickly everywhere.
  93. What does the digital edition include?
    The game (obviously), plus the soundtrack and a digital artbook. A comic, a source book for the pen&paper lore, and some wallpapers for desktop and smartphones. On GOG you’ll also get printable posters and an additional booklet with game infos, and more wallpapers and avatars.
  94. And what’s in the physical standard edition?
    The same as in the digital, of course with a physical copy of the game and soundtrack. There’s also a reversible cover, a world compendium, postcards, a map of night city and stickers. Watch out, though! These goodies only come with the first batch of the day-1 edition. They should be produced in a larger quantity, but when they sell out, future versions will be delivered without the physical goodies. The digitals ones will still be available.
  95. Will there be a playable demo before release?
  96. What age rating will the game have?
    Violence, blood, nudity, bad language… We’ll go out on a limb and guess 18+.
  97. Will Cyberpunk be in the Xbox Game Pass on release?
    Neither Microsoft, nor CD Projekt are planning a game pass release.
  98. Which languages will Cyberpunk be available in?
    It’ll be voiced in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Brazilian Portugese, Russian, Simplified Chinese. There will also be subtitles available in Arabic, Czech, Hungarian, Korean, Lat. Spanish, Thai, Trad. Chinese, Turkish.
  99. Will the game be censored?
    Other than Japan, the game will be released uncensored. And in Japan, only the console versions will be changed, while on PC it remains unchanged, according to JP magazine GameSpark.
  100. Can we meet Ciri in the game?
    According to some journalists, there is a small easter egg where you can see Ciri on the cover of a retro gaming magazine. However, the game director has been saying since 2018 that he’s against Ciri making a proper appearance.
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[Table] I am a 26-year-old woman who was born blind, AMA. (part 2/3)

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How did you type all this? I can touch type. It's an essential skill.
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Do you have some type of software that reads certain things out? I wasn’t trying to be rude so my apologies, just very curious/interested! Hats off to you. Sure, I use a screenreader. It's a piece of software that uses synthesised speech to read back what's on the screen. And I navigate using the keyboard rather than a mouse.
Thank you for doing this AMA! Its really fascinating and I'm learning a lot! I noticed in some of your comments you said you enjoy cooking. In my own experience, cooking and baking are extremely visual activities (for example, like knowing when a pancake is ready to be flipped, or properly cleaning and preparing a chicken, or when ground beef has been cooked completely). I would imagine that you use taste, touch, and smell, to guide you through some aspects of cooking. But even then, the information you could possibly get is still limited. What do you specifically look for as indicators to help you cook? I'm also interested in what dishes you find the easiest to make and what dishes you find the most difficult. All of that information you can get non-visually. You can tell ground bief is cooked by the texture when you touch it with a spoon. Other things by the smell. It's not more limited, it's just an alternative method.
I love experimenting with different things, I went through a phase of baking lots of bread. At the moment I'm into building complex salads and working on really healthy recipes. I cooked a meal for 60 people, that was pretty intense!
whose voice is reading my question to you? A very synthesised American voice.
Does colour mean anything to you ? Not really, it's an abstract concept.
Do you watch or should I say listen to porn? Nah, it just doesn't do anything for me.
As someone who plays video games and watch shows to kill time when I’m bored, I never thought about what a blind person would do to kill time when they’re bored other than listening to music. What do you do to pass time? Read, watch films and tv, mindlessly browse the internet. There are also audio games, and it's possible to play some regular games if you're blind, but I'm not really a gamer.
How has voice technology (like Siri or Google Assistant) changed the way you interact with things (if you use it at all)? If you have it: how has it made life better or worse? If you don't have it: why not? It's convenient because I can set a timer when cooking hands free! But also, something like an echo dot is designed to be used without vision, so I'm not actually having to deal with an accessibility barrier. I get exactly the same functionality from it that a sighted person does, and that is an important consideration.
how has the covid-19 pandemic affected you, as a blind person specifically/differently? Not so much now. At first my concern was in relation to grocery delivery services. I didn't want to go to the supermarket because many places were refusing to provide assistance, but also everyone was using delivery services, so slots weren't easily accessible for those of us who really needed them. It's calmed down quite a bit now though.
Another issue relates to accessible information. A lot of the stats are shown as images, with no explanation. Which means we're shut out from accessing what could be very crucial info.
Do you experience any visuals in your mind? For example, like when you dream? I don't. I've never been able to see so this is impossible for me.
Based on your life so far and what you have learned from others what is your favorite color? I don't have one. I usually say purple just because people demand an answer and it's easier to give them one.
Do you like puppies? I do.
What is it like to move around. Is it hard and do you feel out a room as you walk through it? It's not hard because I've always been blind so know how to navigate as a blind person. When outside I travel using a white cane, this is also true if I'm inside buildings like shops etc. But if I'm at my house or friends houses I just walk around and learn where things are.
What’s something people do/say that is ableist but not commonly acknowledged as such? How can sighted people be better allies to blind people? "You do so well for a blind person," has to be one of the most rude things people can say. Because what they're saying is that actually, they don't expect blind people to be doing very well at all, so the fact that I'm a moderately functional adult who doesn't get enough sleep, drinks too much coffee and is constantly stressed is a very very good thing. When I'm actually very typical for someone in their mid 20's.
Just treat blind people like people, and support us with fighting for accessibility and equal rights. That really is the best way to be an ally.
As someone how may go blind I always wondered if there was a fear of “the dark” or does it fade a bit? I'm not sure honestly. I've always been blind, so it's normal to me. I do know people who lost their vision who have really happy, secure lives.
Is sex more intense for you? And do you have sex with other blind people, if not how does it feel when you cant see the other person but he can see you naked? It honestly depends who I'm having sex with. I don't really worry if they can see me and I can't. I've had good and bad experiences, with both blind nad sighted people.
Do you listen to old radio plays? I had a period of time prior to a cataract surgery where my photosensitivity was so intense I mostly lived in total darkness, and these were my favourite forms of free entertainment. I am old enough that I listened to them on radio, although most were rebroadcasts. Also, do you usually wear any kind of sunglasses or such? If so, for your own benefit, or to make people feel more comfortable? I listened to a lot of plays in the early 2000s when I was a kid because only a fraction of books were published in braille. Audio books were expensive and also only a few books became audio. These days I listen to less of them because with things like Kindle I can read almost anything, but they were a wonderful and necessary part of my childhood that I am very thankful I was able to experience.
I have light perception so I wear sunglasses when it's really bright, but not for the comfort of others. I think if my eyes make people uncomfortable it's something they should address within themselves.
Is the halo effect a noticeable phenomenon for you as an arguably perfectly objective observer of sighted people? Have you ever been in a situation and just known that someone is physically attractive based on being inexplicably treated more favourably by others than could be reasonably expected? How do you feel about this in general? I think so. I definitely noticed this in school. My perception is that people gravitate towards someone who is deemed to be physically attractive, but I don't know if that is true.
Have you ever fired a firearm or played with a sword? I haven't. I considered going to a shooting range when I lived in the US but never did.
When browsing the web -- do ads really screw with your screen reader? Do you use an adblocker? They do, and yes I do.
If you could tell the world one thing what would it be? About blindness? Treat me like any other adult.
Not about blindness. Use your vote.
What's your favorite place to get a burrito? I live in England where burritos are sadly lacking, but now I really want one.
Would you consider trying psychedelics and reporting back your experiences? I've tried them before. Really weird, honestly. Mostly auditory but also some physical sensations.
Do you understand racism? Also what's your favorite song? By understand, I think it's wrong, but I understand it as a concept. RAcism isn't really about being able to see colour, it's associating a race with a positive or negative set of attributes. Blind people are just as capable of being racist.
In terms of songs I don't really have a favourite, I've been listening to I and love and you by the Avett Brothers a lot recently.
I was always wondering about this one. There are days when I "overlisten" to music or sounds get pounded and louder until I can't stand it and I need to shut it out. I would go several days without music or wear noise cancelling headphones to get myself disconnected. It sometimes happens with my vision, where it's just too much information and my brain needs a break. So I'm wondering what's it like in your case, if you've ever experienced something like that? Where there's too much sensory information and you need to shut it out but you need it to get around? And another extremely random one. I work and architecture and was trying to figure out how someone would go about designing a house while blind. Besides textures, how would you try and build a house for yourself if you could? That sounds like sensory processing disorder, which I have experienced aspects of yes.
I'm not sure, definitely lots of outside space and a big kitchen, but those are because of my love of being outside and also of cooking, more than blindness!
So this might sound weird, but my friends have a year old daughter who is blind. What kind of playing made you happiest as a kid? Climbing, playing football, running about. Just normal kid stuff.
the below has been split into three
So two questions: you mentioned that you travelled to a couple of countries. To us, travel is a very visual experience, what is it to you? How do you experience the travel experience itself? Travelling to me is experiencing all aspects of the culture. It doesn't have to be visual. You can meet people, go to a city, go to a park, go hiking. These are all part of it.
We see your inability to see as an impairment or disability out of our ignorance, what do you think seeing people lack? What is our disability? I think we have to be careful and not view something like a lack of understanding as a disability. I am blind, and blindness is my impairment. But I'm disabled because the world around me isn't accessible.
ok 3rd one, out of the countries you visited, which one of them you felt a bit more challenged than the other ones? In terms of the countries they all had positives and negatives. Colombia was definitely a new experience, but it was also my favourite place to live.
What is imagination for you? That's difficult to answer. If you mean how do I imagine, through my other senses. But as to what it is, I'm not sure. It seems to be an essential part of who we are as humans.
What do you see in today's society that you dislike? I'm not sure this is just a problem with today's society, but ignorance and denial regarding the reality of the world we live in.
My sons (age 10) are really good friends with a boy who has been blind since birth. My sons have gone to his house a few times and have had a lot of fun. I would like for him to come here, but it makes me nervous. I worry that he'll get bored or be uncomfortable. As a child, what were some of your favorite experiences with sighted friends and their family? Being welcomed in to everyday activities. My best experiences were with people who didn't worry, who let me run around and play, who let me climb and mess about with my friends. But who also set boundaries, who told me to be quiet or to stop running, like they would any other child. Basically the best thing you can do is welcome him and treat him like any other kid.
Will you have children of your own even if you have a 50% chance of passing on your genetic mutation? My mother in law is blind and she passed retinoblastoma on to all 4 of her children even though each birth was a 50% chance. They all were able to retain vision though 2 had to have an eye enucleated. Later in those same 2 passed away from associated secondary cancers in the 20s and 30s bc they received radiation to stop the tumours (inherited is bilateral). I am pregnant with a baby girl who inherited the genetic mutation and at 36 weeks will deliver so they can monitor and treat the tumours. Being induced early allows the critical growth stage of 36 to 42 weeks gestation to be monitored and treated. Prognosis is good and it's considered 97% treatable but I cant help feeling that I am doing a disservice by continuing the horrible legacy of retinoblastoma. And also I wonder how she would feel knowing if she wants to naturally have children she will have a 50% chance of passing the mutation on to offspring. I would. I will pass the LCA gene on to any child I have, but my partner would have to be a carrier for us to have a blind child. Even if my child is blind I'd know how to raise them. I could teach them to read, to travel, to do anything they wanted to. I understand it's more complex with something like RB, but I think you have to do whatever feels right for you.
Do you play any instruments? If so, which instrument(s)? I used to play the clarinet but haven't in years. I was never very good at music.
If there was an option for surgery that granted you sight, would you consider it? I wouldn't, it doesn't interest me.
What are some UI changes reddit could make to improve accessibility for the blind? What are some things other sites often do which make them difficult for you to read and navigate? Reddit is honestly a bit of a clusterfuck. It's accessible enough, but sometimes the focus of my screenreader jumps around. There also aren't many headings used, which is the primary way screenreaders navigate online content, so it's a pain to find the section of the page that you want. In terms of other sites a lack of alt text is a huge problem. We convey so much information through images, but if it isn't tagged correctly a blind person misses all of it.
What would be the best way to interact with a blind person? Like let's say you went inside a new building and people there knew you were blind would you be offended if they offered to help you find your way? Or tell you how many steps there are or watch out for things that may be in your way? Would that come off as overbearing? It's annoying when people constantly tell me, because it's actually distracting. If someone offers that's fine, so long as they listen when I say no.
Which genders are you attracted to? When did you realize you were attracted to them and what was it about them Both, though men more than women. I'm not sure, I guess I was a pre-teen and I started to have crushes on people.
i watched a video of a blind woman with her seeing eye dog and a hidden camera try to find her way around a mall that she'd never been to before. it was so funny to watch the employees point as if she could see or the dog could understand what was going on. there was, eventually, one woman who walked her to the perfumes/jewelry and entrance so that her dog would understand and so that she knew the amount of steps that it should take. do you have these experiences often where people are just, unintentionally, entirely unhelpful? All the time. You just get used to it. Also, we don't actually count steps, we may have good spacial awareness and can tell approximately how much distance we've travelled, but step counting is a bit of a myth.
[deleted] I do. If she's in the United States I really recommend that she reaches out to the National Federation of the Blind to find out about their training centers. The Colorado Center for the Blind made a huge difference to my life.
Why did the moderators remove this? u/mmm_toasty could you perchance let us know? Because I can't hold up a sign with my username...because obviously I can't write. Unless they want it in braille?
Maybe this is question is better suited to those who raised you, but do you know if there was anything atypical about your language development? I read a case study about a blind toddler’s unusual syntax once and found it really interesting. I'm very interested in this too. I had fairly advanced language development, which I know through speaking with my parents and reading school and medical reports. Many congenitally blind children do have atypical language development though.
What parenting tips would you suggest to someone who has a young child who is blind or losing sight? Have high expectations, don't expect less of them because they are blind. Expect them to do chores around the house, to work hard in school and to be polite. They can and should do these things.
I occasionally see the same blind man on the sidewalk navigating the DC metro and city streets. I believe he lives around my work. Sometimes he looks completely lost. I have on a few occasions guided him to the correct train or set of stairs. He just says thank you and continues on. Is there anything else I could do to help him or be a good samaritan to other blind folks in the city? Asking is honestly the best thing. Either the blind person will need assistance or they won't. It's worse to assume that someone does when they might not, so I feel that by asking you're already doing the right thing.
So I know I am very late to the AMA party here, but hopefully you still are able to answer this for me. I'm a police officer in the US in an area where we don't have a very large blind/deaf/etc community. What are some good things to know as a cop so that I can better interact with the blind? Especially, of course, victims who need to report crimes. But either witnesses who may have info or even perpetrators. I've read almost this entire thread and with some of your answers to other questions, I can only imagine how blind people may be treated by uninformed or wilfully ignorant officers. This is such an important question, thank you for asking. Firstly, the biggest thing is to view them as credible. Obviously a blind person is capable of lying, but they aren't automatically less credible just because they can't give you a visual account of what has happened. This is a particularly pervasive problem in cases that involve sexual assault.
Also, if you're approaching a blind person in the street because there's a situation, it's good to identify yourself as an officer. I have no way of knowing if the person is a random stranger, who I might brush off, or a police officer unless they tell you. Some blind people will want to be given your badge, to see if you have one, or take your ID number. Try not to be upset or angry, it isn't that we don't believe you, just again that we can't visually verify what you're saying.
This is an interesting AMA. Thanks for doing this. My question, If it was possible through new technology to give you vision, let's say through an implant that records wavelengths of light and transmits the information to your brain allowing you to see in perfect 20/20 vision. (I am not familiar with what caused your blindness, so let's assume we are able to bypass it) It's a completely safe surgery, but the implant is permanent. Would you do it? No, I wouldn't. My brain has adapted to my blindness, and I feel like getting vision would be really disruptive and uncomfortable.
As a parent it would cause me a lot of pain to think about my child being blind. Have you ever discussed how your parents felt with them? Yes, if it does upset them, they don't show it which is so, so important. I would have hated growing up, knowing my parents wished I was someone else.
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Becoming a parent comes with a range of emotions they don't warn us about and we can't prevent. Your parents would never wish you to be someone else, they world just want take away anything that might cause you pain. It is good to hear you had the support and love you needed. Absolutely, but you also owe it to your child to keep some of those feelings from them. It's really damaging to know that people around you would change a fundamental part of who you are. Absolutely a parent should seek support when they have these feelings, but it should never be made obvious to the child.
Are you religious? Has anyone prayed for you to see? If someone offered would you be open to it? If yes, do you think other blind people would? I'm not, if people are going to pray, I'd rather they pray I actually have a happy and meaningful life. I have no interest in seeing, some blind people do and that's totally their right.
When you masturbate what do you mentally picture? Depends. If I'm in a relationship at the time I'll often think about that person and things they've said or done.
Do you depend on someone else or did you figure out on how to do normal every day activities that people take for granted on your own? I can do pretty much anything alone. I can cook, clean, do my laundry, travel to and from work etc. The only thing I can't do is drive, so I'll take busses and trains or use Uber sometimes.
This could have already been asked, there's so much knowledge we all want to glean from you. Have you ever thought about or done a race, running, biking, swimming, or anything where you have a guide? There's some great races where you can feel the wind on your face and the sound of the trees around you. I guess it doesn't have to be a race. Just how much have you been able to feel the wind and the trees. Thank you for answering all of our questions. My respect on one, putting yourself out there and answering personal questions, and also being a complete boss on your answers. Sure, thanks for reading. I love more extreme sports, so I've been skydiving and paragliding for example. I'd love to do more things like that. I also really enjoy skiing and tandem cycling.
I hope I don't sound rude, but how do you (or blind people in general) know where to go especially in a big city? Is it difficult to find shops and run errands without getting lost? Bonus question: How do service dogs know where you want to go? Like if you wanted to go to a specific restaurant for example, how does a service dog aid in getting you there? I know by exploring, by asking questions, by learning about the layout of the city. And service dogs receive instruction from the handler. The dog doesn't actually know where it's going, it is the handlers job to give it commands like find left, or find right.
What do you enjoy about traveling? For me it’s the scenery. But also foods a big one. I imagine being blind, food would be the main reason. Also has anyone tried using sign language to communicate with you? I honestly worry about that misunderstanding alot Haha maybe they have but I just didn't see them. I have been asked if I know it though!
And the food, meeting people, visiting different places like museums and parks, the whole aspect of immersing yourself in another culture.
Is the experience of sight something you wish deeply you could do? Or does the fact that you’ve never experienced it make it seem very foreign and intimidating? It definitely feels overwhelming to the point where I wouldn't take a cure if it was offered to me.
While living in the US, did you find it a relatively accessible country or no? Also, I started watching your YouTube videos, and they’re great! Super informational. Makes me want to sign up as a volunteer for Be My Eyes :) Thank you, I'm so glad that you are enjoying them. If you have any video topic requests, feel free to leave a comment on one of my videos as I may not see it in this thread as it's so big.
It was fairly accessible, as with most places, the attitudes of others were the biggest barrier I faced. People not believing I could do something, rather than be actually not being able to do it.
Do you still have Isla the guide dog? If so, was she already trained? What signals do they give to let you know there is steps, a road? I don't. She retired last year, but she's living a very happy life with some friends of mine. She was trained when I got her, they are trained to stop at roads and steps.
This rivets me. My mom went blind on and off through her life. Glaucoma and surgeries. She only sometimes had sight in one because she lost the other to cataracts. Anyway. I was her eyes. I knew how to help her, somehow. Have you ever had a person you let be your eyes? To a point, sometimes I'll ask people for visual information. But I wouldn't want to create a relationship where it's expected, I think it can result in some uncomfortable power dynamics. I'd rather get that info from a paid service like Aira. This is just my personal preference.
How would you rate reddit's accessiblity? Kind of a pain, honestly.
Was learning Braille hard? Is Braille the same in other countries outside of the UK? It wasn't because I was very young, so it was just like a sighted child learning print.
This doesn't have an easy answer. Broadly it's the same. The letters A to Z are the same in all languages that use the Latin alphabet, much like they are in print.
However, most languages have what is known as contracted, or grade 2, braille. So one character might represent several letters. In English, we have such a character for er, or the, or wh. Because these are common letter combinations. Grade 2 in French will be different, as will grade 2 in German.
English speaking countries have also had some variation when it comes to more advanced presentation rules, and certainly braille mathematics. That is why in the early 2000s Unified English Braille was created. With increases in electronic braille production, it was viewed as important to create a unified code, so that electronic braille could easily be shared between English speaking countries, and so there wouldn't be these small variations.
You mentioned you love books. You also mentioned that books that are meant to be realistic, but have poor depictions of blind characters frustrate you. Have you read "All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr, and if so, how did you feel about the depiction of the blind girl? I honestly thought it was a bit ridiculous, but not the worst I've read.
Have you ever tried to draw anything from your imagination and if so, what did you draw? Could you visualise the drawing after you drew it based on the shapes? I'm horrible at drawing. I've tried on paper where the lines then are raised, but I'm just not coordinated enough. I struggle to even draw a circle unless I can draw around something.
Are there any questions you get that you are tired of or are just like what the hell? Also what's a question that you never have been asked but want to answer? Honestly how I use a computer. It's exhausting that most people still don't know this.
And not really, I do find the deeper, more thoughtful questions interesting though.
Are heights or flying scary at all to you? I actually don't like heights, so I've done things like skydiving and paragliding because I need to get over myself.
Do you make facial expressions? If you do, does that mean a smile when we’re happy is built into us. I do. I can't tell you how I know them, I just do.
Do you think you compare yourself to people less than those of us who are sighted? So much of the standard women hold themselves to seems visual to me. Weight, beauty, aging, fashion... I imagine you not to be bombarded with these standards, advertisements, social media visuals. Do you feel less pressure on these things than you imagine we do? I still feel a huge amount of pressure, compounded by not being able to compare myself. I have to ask people about my own appearance, which then makes me worry that they aren't completely truthful. Even if they are, it's their perception. I'll never have my own true perception of myself, because it's always filtered through information I'm given by others.
Is there an equivalent of line graphs and charts that blind people can use? For example did you understand the concept of exponential growth at the start of the Covid-19 crisis? You can plot these using tactile graph papers. There are audio graphs, which can give an overview of the information.
Do you own a printer, 2d or 3d. Can you read print text if its embossed? I can sort of read print if it's embossed, but often I forget the shapes of the letters and have to be reminded. I don't currently own a printer, I usually go to a library if I need a document printing.
i glanced over a couple of your youtube videos, and i noticed your eyeballs sort of wobble back and forth as if you're reading text with your eyes. is that a part of your genetic disorder? or are you doing that consciously, if so why? It's known as nystagmus. It can exist as a condition on its own, but often it goes hand in hand with other eye diseases, particularly forms of congenital blindness. Essentially I have no control over the muscles in my eyes so these are involuntary movements.
To piggyback off the person asking about software accessibility - do you ever spend time with software on a non-personal device - like a public kiosk? Are you able to use the product if there is no headphone jack? If it has audio output yes. But I would only use something like an ATM if it had a headphone jack so that I could access the information in a confidential manner.
What software do you use, especially for email? My mother is blind, stubborn, and cantankerous, always has been even before blindness. She uses an ancient version of JAWS and refuses to update, and I'd love to know what options are out there. Jaws is good but she'd be better off using the latest version with win10. I use NVDA because it's free, and VoiceOver on my iPhone.
Are you often browsing on reddit? And if so, what subreddits do you visit? (You don't have to list any of them if they are too private) Dogs, blind and the not the onion are some of my favourites. Also just browsing random things. Reddit is kind of a pain in terms of accessibility, so I honestly go elsewhere for chat, which is a shame because I like the people here.
I'm actually curious about how Blind People can use computers and how you can read our questions. I'm guessing a special machine is involved, but how does it work ? I use a screenreader, a piece of software that uses synthesised speech to read out what's on the screen. I also touch type and navigate using a keyboard instead of the mouse.
Have you ever thought deeply that being blind was going to affect all your life and had a breakdown or were really depressed? There have been times. Mostly when a certain aspect of my life isn't going well, so it's easy to attribute it all to blindness. When really there are usually many factors at play.
Have you ever tried the app “be my eyes”? It is an interesting app I found for helping with tasks. I thought it would be great to help out a blind or visually impaired person. I’ve only connected with someone once but I’d love to help more. I have tried it, it can be really useful in certain situations.
How was your experience in Colombia? For how long did you live there? I loved it, I lived there for a year and it was the best year of my life. I loved everything about Colombian culture and the friends I made there. Also, is your username because of In the Heights, or just a coincidence?
Do you ever feel self conscious about what you look like to others? I do, I'm still under the same pressure other people are to look a certain way. I also feel more pressure because if I don't look good, maybe people will attribute that to my blindness and just assume I don't know how.
What are some things that you have done that a person who isn't blind, thinks that a blind person wouldn't/couldn't/shouldn't do? Honestly most things, because people have such low expectations of blind people. Travel, get a job, move away from home, just have a normal adult life.
Looks like the mods want proof. How do you plan to do this blind? I'm not sure how to submit proof to them? I have all my documentation if they want it!
Do you ever listen to audiobooks? If so, what’s your favourite? I do, maybe the His Dark Materials trilogy. I love so many books though.
How do audiobooks and films (with audio description) compare to each other, is there one your prefer? I prefer books but I think that's personality, more than blindness. My sighted sister also prefers books to tv. We both grew up reading a lot as children.
How do you perceive colours when you haven't seen them? When someone says "I have a red car", what do you imagine? I don't, I just accept it as a fact and file it away.
Do you get motion sickness? On a roller coaster, a car, a boat or a plane? Or any other way of travel? I don't personally.
Is there anything that we (i.e. the general public) can do to make things easier for you when out and about, without being patronising? I know you are certainly neither stupid nor incapable, but just wondering what I can do to be more considerate perhaps. Mostly just asking rather than assuming someone needs help, then listening to the answer that is given. Being grabbed is the worst.
Hi, I am the father of a 5-month old who was also just diagnosed with LCA. What are some of the things that you wish your parents would have done differently as they were raising you? Edit: also, I understand that someone with LCA has that uncontrollable urge to press/rub their eyeballs, which my baby is doing every 10 seconds, why is that so and how best to stop it? Hi, it's so great to meet other LCA families. I really wish they'd encouraged me to use a cane far more than they did. Developing those skills at a young age is really critical and makes for a much easier transition into adult life. If you'd like to reach out feel free to do so, I've included a lot of links in my original post and I'm happy to answer more questions, but as this thread is huge I might miss them here.
Hi CatchTheseWords, Hope your day finds you well. Do you find or have others commented your senses are better than the sighted? For instance do you find people can’t hear things when you can? And if so...ever considered being a super hero? Cheers! I'd love to say it was as easy as just deciding to be a superhero! My other senses aren't any better, I just pay attention to them more.
When you were younger, did other children ever bully you for being blind or take advantage of your blindness to bully you more easily? This happened mostly when I was in primary school.
It's great that you are self-reliant. But I cannot resist assuming there have been people in your life who must have given you the maximum amount of information about the world around you that couldn't have perceived unless you saw it yourself or unless somebody explained it to you. Who are these people and how did they help you understand the world? Honestly mostly it was books. I learnt a lot about body language, or how things look, by reading about them. I'm also very lucky to have lots of people in my life who will answer questions if I ask them. My parents for example have always been very open with information.
And my orientation and mobility teachers who taught me to use a cane, and who encouraged me to explore my environment.
How's the quality on audio description for visual media? Do you feel you're getting a good representation of what's happening on screen? Overall I feel the quality is high, and I usually get the information I need. Having said that, I've no way of knowing if details are left out, because I wouldn't know they were there unless someone told me.
I am a developer who create apps for use. How is modern technology assisting with additional needs for you? Is there additional improvements you see that could help bring internet within your reach easier? Really complying with existing accessibility guidelines is the biggest thing, and conducting accessibility testing. Technology can remove so many barriers, but if it isn't designed to function with assistive technology it can create barriers as well.
What comes to mind when you think of racism? White conservative assholes.
If I’m going through a door and I see a blind person approaching do I hold the door for them? Do I say “I got the door.”? Definitely say you have it, otherwise we're likely to put our hand out for it and find it's not there. It's totally fine to hold the door, equally, if you're in a rush don't feel guilty for not holding it.
i've seen some blind people click their tongues or their fingers to sort of echo locate. kind of like daredevil. i've seen blind people navigate without a cane. can you do that and if so to what extent? Navigation without a cane, unless in an environment like someone's house, is really dangerous. It's not a mark of success or achievement to do that, because with echo location you can still miss a hole in the ground and fall in it.
But yeah, I can echo locate, though mostly I do it passively. So for example by tapping my cane I can use that echo to gain certain information about my environment.
Do you drink alcohol? What is your experience like when/if you have? I do. Usually just the usual embarrassment most people experience.
Who was your best teacher? There were so so many. Honestly I was lucky to have wonderful teachers who all taught me so many things, not just about their particular subject, but life in general.
What software and browser-extensions are you using right now to do this AMA? What is your favorite piece of tech. Firefox, and NVDA is the screenreader. I just use a regular PC and iPhone.
How do you want new people, such as a coworker to ask about your blindness? Just be really open about it. I'd rather someone was direct than was clearly uncomfortable and didn't want to ask. Equally, remember that the person is more than just their blindness, so don't centre it in every conversation.
What does the Cosmos mean to you? Like how do you imagine the Cosmos outside of our own planet? Ask the stars, galaxies and stuff? Do these interest you? It's very, very interesting to me. My greatest disappointment is knowing that I will probably never travel into space and experience it for myself.
Being a sighted person, I sometimes think that sight is too easy to rely on at the expense of other senses. It is so easy to get wrapped up in thoughts and overly rely on sight to function, in a lazy way. Sometimes it's difficult to live in the present moment. When I was 25 a friend would say that I was missing out on life, that I should stop and smell the roses more. I wonder if you struggle with living in the moment? I do. I'm so concerned with my goals I often forget that there is a here and now. I think this is the down side to being so driven.
How are you going to know what I've asked in this question? The same way I wrote my original post.....
the below is a reply to the above
And how is that? Also, what do you think upvote buttons look like? Through a combination of a screenreader, a piece of software that allows blind people to access the computer through synthesised speech output of content on the screen, and touch typing. And I'm not sure, maybe a thumbs up?
When is your favorite language and/or accents? Also, would you mind sharing an embarrassing story? This is my favorite AMA ever. Thank you for doing this! I learnt Spanish, and I really love Latin-American Spanish.
Hmm, honestly my life is a constant string of embarrassing moments, some blind related, some not. I still feel shame when I remember calling a primary school teacher of mine Grandma when I was like 5. I...don't know why. It just happened in the moment. Not like I actually thought she was my grandma.
Could you briefly let us know what it takes for you to record videos and post them to your YouTube channel? At the moment I'm using a USB webcam to record my videos. I'd have to write a long post, or make a video to really show the process. There are lots of small things I have to do.
submitted by 500scnds to tabled [link] [comments]

GameStar DE: 100 Answers about Cyberpunk (Translation)

German gaming magazine GameStar have released a video on their Youtube channel where they answer 100 questions commonly asked by their fans about the game, based on their previous coverage and the demo journalists got to play.
I figured it's a nice little summary, especially for newcomers, and I learned a few new things from it as well.
This took longer than I thought and it's 3AM here but I think the TL should be mostly accurate.
You can find the original video here:
  1. How big is the open world?
    The world will be smaller than The Witcher 3’s, but also more densely built. We also have a super serious metric from level designer Miles Tost: There will be more doors than in The Witcher 3, which already had around 2500. But, like in Witcher, not all of them can be entered.
  2. Is there a map already?
    There’s no map for the entire game world yet, but this map of the city has been going around.
  3. How many of the buildings can be entered?
    A lot of buildings can’t be entered, and large part of the scenery, like street vendors, can’t be interacted with. Still, in our preview build we had the impression of a living world built with love, where there are lot of things to explore and little dialogues to come across.
  4. Will Night City busier than how it currently looks in gameplay?
    According to the devs, street traffic was bugged in our demo build, that’s why there was less traffic than planned. There should be cars going around on the streets in the complete game. There were less pedestrians on the sidewalks compared to the very first demo, but it was still more than enough to make the city feel lived-in.
  5. Since traffic was mentioned: how is the vehicle handling?
    Still under work. In our session, it resembled GTA’s the most, but was too sensitive. The devs are also still experimenting with more arcade-y controls for unexperienced drivers.
  6. Will there be other vehicles in addition to cars?
    Yes, there will be bikes. CD Projekt also promises vehicles that we’re not expecting. In our session, we could also fly around in a flying limousine, but we couldn’t control it.
  7. Can I mod my vehicles?
    You can find tuned and styled vehicles, but we can unfortunately not modify them on our own.
  8. Are there radio stations like in GTA?
    Yep. Every vehicle has different stations, and on some stations you can hear songs that artists have recorded just for the game.
  9. Is Cyberpunk just GTA in the future?
    No. The similarities are mostly superficial. You can cruise around in an open metropolis in both, but Cyberpunk’s is the setting for a real RPG experience with meaningful choices and character options, but still has some big action parts.
  10. Can I run around the city like a madman and mow down everything in my way?
    Okay, another thing in common with GTA. You can indeed speed through the city like Rambo, but when the police catch sight of you breaking laws, you’ll get stars and will be hunted. On higher levels, they might even throw sentry turrets on the ground.
  11. How does fast travel function?
    At first, there was a metro system planned for fast travel. The metro won’t be usable anymore, but we will be able to travel between tourism spots similar to signposts in The Witcher 3.
  12. What is there to do in Night City?
    In addition to classic main and side missions, there are also smaller tasks like the so-called “gigs”, which were known before as “street stories”. These are smaller missions that tell their own story, but on a smaller scale. They should round out Night City and allow you to collect xp. There are about 75 of these.
  13. Is there something like the monster contracts from The Witcher 3?
    Yes. There are so-called “cyber-psychos” around the game world. People who had so many cyber implants installed that they went crazy.
  14. What about minigames?
    Those will be there too. We can expect hacking, boxing, car races, and shooting ranges.
  15. Can V have multiple apartments?
    The devs eventually specified that V will only have one apartment.
  16. Can I at least decorate it myself?
    Nnnno. You can only store different vehicles in the garage.
  17. Is the game really only set in Night City?
    The city is surrounded by the desert-like Badlands, which has its own quests and factions. When you choose the nomad background, it will also be your starting area.
  18. Are there animals in the game?
    There are some animals roaming around the world. Cats even allow you to pet them.
  19. What is the world of Cyberpunk 2077 actually based on?
    The Californian free city-state of Night City and its story comes from the pen&paper RPG, Cyberpunk 2020.
  20. And what does Cyberpunk mean?
    The term does not originate from the RPG, nor from CD Projekt Red. It refers to a sub-genre of sci-fi centered around the contrast between “high-tech” and “low-life”. The central theme being transhumanism.
  21. Uh, transhumanism?
    Trying to improve humans through technology. In this case, through cyberware implants.
  22. What exactly is Cyberpunk Pen&Paper about?
    It presents a future where lot of the old governments have collapsed and megacorps take power. Night City is a merciless construct where corporate thugs and gangs wrestle for power. The city will be defined by the contrast between the neon filled high society and dirty alleys full of junkies.
  23. So what are megacorps?
    They are huge companies that have taken over some places like Night City, or even classical governments.
  24. And who are they exactly?
    There are three of them in the game. The biggest is the tech-giant, “Arasaka”, their rivals, the equipment manufacturer “Militech”, while the latest and youngest is “Kang Tao”. Modern smartguns are the key here.
  25. What are these smartguns?
    A specific type of weapons that can be linked with cyberware. The one in the footage has been linked with V’s scanner, and can shoot bullets that track enemies. However, such weapons should do less damage compared to manually aimed ones.
  26. In addition to megacorps, gangs are also fighting over rule of Night City. What gangs are there?
    There are the triad-like Tyger Claws; the Mox, a group of prostitutes and outcasts; the hacker group, Voodoo-Boys; the underground militia, 6th Street; the playboy’s gang, aka Valentino’s; the cyberware fanatics, Maelstrom; finally, the fightclub- and steroid-lover Animals.
  27. Can you join these gangs in the game?
    No. There’s also no reputation system with factions. However, during the story you will interact with them, and must decide whether you want to work with them or not.
  28. Will there be a morality system?
    Cyberpunk will refrain from having a morality system. However, our decisions will still matter heavily.
  29. Do you have to know the source material to understand the story?
    Not really, but old fans will be pleased to know that the designer of the RPG, Mike Pondsmith, has been working closesly with CD Projekt Red. He even announced some revisions to some events so they fit the game better.
  30. How long will the story be?
    We’ll only know specifics after release. Still, the main story should apparently be shorter than The Witcher 3’s.
  31. Does that mean I can’t spend as much time with Cyberpunk as The Witcher 3?
    That’s not what was meant. The dev’s comment was strictly about the main story and bigger side missions, but didn’t include every smaller activity in the game. And in exchange, quests should be more branching and complex than in The Witcher 3. So it’s still possible that with side activities included Cyberpunk will actually be longer, or at least offer more replayability thanks to more choices.
  32. Will there be multiple endings?
  33. Do sidequests influence the main story?
    According to the devs, that will be the case for some quests.
  34. What role does Keanu Reeves’s character play?
    Johnny Silverhand will play an important role in the plot of Cyberpunk 2077. He has the most voice lines next to our main character, V. As a sort of hologram, he will be with us throughout the game.
  35. Very important: is Keanu Reeves romanceable?
    The devs have unfortunately already confirmed that V and Johhny won’t be able to get together.
  36. Are there same-sex romances?
    Since V’s character isn’t as pre-defined as Geralt’s, you can choose their romantic preference for yourself, and pursue same-sex relationships. But other NPCs also have their own preferences.
  37. What kind of origins are available for V?
    You can choose between the corp-affiliated corpo, the daredevil street kid, or the nomad from the bad lands outside town.
  38. What effects does V’s origins have on my game progression?
    You start the game in a different area according to your choice. You also receive some background-specific dialogue options in some conversations.
  39. Does the background also effect the main story?
    Yes, the devs want to integrate it to the main story as well, like how your encounters with specific factions will differ based on your background.
  40. How detailed is the character creator?
    Cyberpunk has a very detailed and… intimate character creator. Other than classic options, like skin, eyes, hair, etc., you can also personalize your genitals. You won’t be using sliders to adjust every millimeter of your nose, but instead choose between presets for each body part.
  41. How does choosing your sex work?
    You don’t just choose a sex, first you choose a male of female base body, which you can then combine with the other sex, like with voice or genitals. You can also go with no genitals. The base body also defines whether others call you he or she.
  42. Can Cyberpunk be streamed despite the nudity?
    We can only know for sure after release. Still, Witcher 3 could also be streamed on Twitch without issues. The rules of Twitch are only against games where nudity is the main focus.
  43. Will I only see things from the first person?
    In gameplay, yes; there is no TPS view. However, you can look down on your character and check them in the mirror.
  44. What about cutscenes?
    There are still cutscenes where we see ourselves from the third person, but the devs have reduced their number since the first demo, and things happen mostly in first person.
  45. What classes does Cyberpunk have?
    Cyberpunk has no strict classes, you can combine your skill freely. There are two fundamental playstyles, though: Solo and Netrunner.
  46. What’s the difference between the two styles?
    Solo builds on strength or speed, and as such is in the thick of things. Meanwhile, the netrunner tries to take care of enemies from afar and with clever hacks. Or you could build your hero somewhere in-between.
  47. What happened to the Techie?
    The robot-professional as the third playstyle has been done away with. Some of its planned skills did make it into the netrunner and tech attributes. For example, you can defuse mines and pick locks.
  48. Why was the Techie removed?
    For one, the animations for your own flathead robot would’ve required too many resources. It was also not distinct enough from the Netrunner, according to devs, as both focus on manipulating or hacking technology.
  49. Is the flathead robot still in the game though?
    It’ll still be used in the prologue, but that’s part of the story. We won’t be able to use one as our own little henchman.
  50. How does the skill system work?
    There are actually multiple skill systems in the game. First, there are five main attributes, each offering 2-3 talent trees with 20 perks. There are also the street credibility points, and you can also improve your skills by just using them, similar to Skyrim.
  51. What is street cred used for?
    It shows how well known or liked V is in Night City, and can be improved through side tasks. Higher streed cred will unlock more wares at merchants, and gives attributes and talent points similar to level ups.
  52. Is there a level cap?
    Yes, it’s 50 currently, but that can change.
  53. What kind of attributes are there?
    There are five attributes you can level. Strength, Reflex, Intelligence, Tech, and Coolness.
  54. Wait, Coolness?
    If you skill coolness, you’ll be better at sneaking and stressful situations. You will also be better in cold blood mode, which can be used when you’re under 50% HP.
  55. So can I play Cyberpunk as a stealth game?
    Depending on which class you delve more into and which perks you level, a quiet and tactical approach is definitely doable.
  56. Is it also possibly to finish the game without a single kill?
    Yes, according to dev statements, there’ll be other means and ways to reach quest goals and to knock out NPCs.
  57. What’s the hacking like in game?
    They have changed a few things since the early demos. There’s no need to hack central nodes anymore, you can directly scan and then hack enemies and devices. Enemy hacks do cost memory points, a sort of hacking mana that replenishes slowly.
  58. What can be hacked anyway?
    In previous demos, there was a lot to hack. From doors, through sentry guns and all kinds of environmental objects, like a boxing robot that knocks its sparring partner out, to enemy implants.
  59. What exactly are Braindances?
    They are perfect memories of NPCs, that you can go through as if in VR.
  60. How will Braindances be used in the game?
    In addition to exploring necessary plot info, you can also find hints that can be useful when you enter the stage later. For example, seeing someone input a code or where loot was hidden.
  61. Where do you get cyberware?
    You buy then at specialists, the ripperdocs.
  62. And how do they work?
    V has cyberware slots on different body parts. There are active, triggered, and passive variants. Passives increase things in the background like stats, or allow you to run faster, among others. Triggered ones are triggered automatically under certain circumstances. A reflex tuner starts bullet time when your HP is too low. Active implants are things like the mantis blades.
  63. What kind of cyberware do we currently know about?
    There are all kinds of different implants. Such as scanners, arm blades, or a blood pump in your heart which functions as an internal healing potion.
  64. Can you play V completely without implants?
    Some of the modifications will be installed during the story, so you can’t stay 100% human.
  65. Are there disadvantages to having too many cyberware implants?
    No, V won’t be afflicted with the so-called Cyberpsychosis from the lore.
  66. How much of a shooter is Cyberpunk?
    It will more or less depend on each player how big the shooty bits will be. Depending on your skill and weapon choices, you can get away with very little shooting, or try to solve most of your problems with a generous sprinkling of lead first.
  67. And what does the gunplay feel like?
    Similar to Destiny. Meaning that shooting guns feels nice, but since it’s an RPG enemies can take more hits, even to the head, as compared to more realictis shooters.
  68. Is there a cover system?
    Yes, Cyberpunk has dynamic covers. When you hide behind a wall, you can peek and shoot.
  69. In case I don’t want to go shooty-shooty, how does melee work?
    Classic and nothing fancy. There are buttons to attack, dodge, and block. A well-timed block leads to a counterattack. Most moves do cost stamina, which you must pay attention to.
  70. What kind of melee weapons are there?
    You can use all kinds of weapons, from katanas through arm blades to cybernetically decked out gorilla arms.
  71. And how does melee feel?
    The heavy hit feedback does makes it fun, but it’s not exceptional. Especially since enemies often hit so hard, that it’s smarter to stay in cover. Whether that will be rebalanced remains to be seen.
  72. Can you create your own weapons?
    There will be a crafting system where you can make your own equipment, including weapons.
  73. What about improving items?
    That’s doable too. Weapons will have upgrade slots for things like silencers or sights.
  74. What kind of other weapon upgrades are there?
    Cyberpunk also offers some fancier stuff. For example, you can equip your boomstick with fire or poison damage. However, some upgrades require specific cyberware. With those, you can bounce bullets off walls, for example.
  75. Does your clothing affect stats?
    Clothing has no stats per se, so you can choose the style you like. You can, however, upgrade them like weapons, which can affect stats. Higher quality clothes also offer more slots.
  76. Is V’s inventory limited?
    Yes, and carry weight also plays a role.
  77. Can damage numbers be turned off?
    The devs have been promised since 2018 that many HUD elements, like damage numbers, will be toggleable. On the other hand, there will be cyberware, like the optical scanner, which give you more interface info.
  78. Will there be multiple difficulties?
    Yes, even a hardcore mode with specific conditions, like no HUD, has been announced.
  79. Will there be a New Game+?
    According to polish magazine PSX Extreme, a new game+ mode is being worked on. However, it’s unclear whether it will be available on launch, or added later as with The Witcher 3.
  80. Is there fall damage?
    Yes, but also a perk to absorb it.
  81. Are there survival elements?
    You won’t have to worry about eating and drinking, except to heal yourself.
  82. Is there a photo mode?
    Not so surprisingly, a photo mode is planned for the game.
  83. Are there any addons planned?
    According to devs, there will be at least as many DLCs as for The Witcher 3, which had 16 smaller free DLCs and two bigger story expansions. We don’t know yet whether Cyberpunk will have the same structure. Still, there should be free content as well as bigger single player expansions.
  84. Will there be a multiplayer mode?
    Not on launch. The devs are already working on a yet-undefined multiplayer mode, but that would only happen after the single player expansions are done.
  85. What about a co-op mode?
    Definitely not at the start. Whether the promised multiplayer mode will include co-op, is yet unkown.
  86. So, when will the game be out?
    After another delay, the current release date is 19.11.2020.
  87. Which platforms will it be available for?
    On release: PC, PS4, Xbox One. The Google Stadia version will be online a bit later towards the end of the year.
  88. What about next-gen consoles?
    If you have the PS4 or Xbox One version, you’ll be able to play the same version for the new PS5 or Xbox X, respectively. It was announced that there would be an update later which will take full advantage of the new hardware.
  89. What kind of framerate and resolution can we expect on consoles?
    We don’t know many specifics yet. Microsoft shows 4K for the Xbox One, but Sonly only 1080p for the PS4. We know nothing about the framerate yet.
  90. If playing on PC, will I require a high-end machine?
    Our demo ran on a GeForce RTX 2080Ti, but that shouldn’t speak of the final system specifications. At the very least, you’ll require a top graphics card for ray tracing, as it’s only offerend by Nvidia’s top models, and AMD is still trailing behind with the Navi lineup. Ray tracing aside, the devs claim they make great efforts to optimize the game for mid-range systems.
  91. How much free space will I need?
    The PS store shows 80GB, twice as much as what The Witcher 3 needed.
  92. What kind of editions are there?
    Next to the digital and standard editions, there’s also and epic collector’s edition – which was sold out pretty quickly everywhere.
  93. What does the digital edition include?
    The game (obviously), plus the soundtrack and a digital artbook. A comic, a source book for the pen&paper lore, and some wallpapers for desktop and smartphones. On GOG you’ll also get printable posters and an additional booklet with game infos, and more wallpapers and avatars.
  94. And what’s in the physical standard edition?
    The same as in the digital, of course with a physical copy of the game and soundtrack. There’s also a reversible cover, a world compendium, postcards, a map of night city and stickers. Watch out, though! These goodies only come with the first batch of the day-1 edition. They should be produced in a larger quantity, but when they sell out, future versions will be delivered without the physical goodies. The digitals ones will still be available.
  95. Will there be a playable demo before release?
  96. What age rating will the game have?
    Violence, blood, nudity, bad language… We’ll go out on a limb and guess 18+.
  97. Will Cyberpunk be in the Xbox Game Pass on release?
    Neither Microsoft, nor CD Projekt are planning a game pass release.
  98. Which languages will Cyberpunk be available in?
    It’ll be voiced in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Brazilian Portugese, Russian, Simplified Chinese. There will also be subtitles available in Arabic, Czech, Hungarian, Korean, Lat. Spanish, Thai, Trad. Chinese, Turkish.
  99. Will the game be censored?
    Other than Japan, the game will be released uncensored. And in Japan, only the console versions will be changed, while on PC it remains unchanged, according to JP magazine GameSpark.
  100. Can we meet Ciri in the game?
    According to some journalists, there is a small easter egg where you can see Ciri on the cover of a retro gaming magazine. However, the game director has been saying since 2018 that he’s against Ciri making a proper appearance.
submitted by RottenPantsu to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

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